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Saturday, July 25, 2009

ps the ice cream was good :)

For Cherene my aunt :)

Hello everyone. :)
This is, in fact, a post for my aunt of the name of Cherene. ;)
Here's a little catch up of life recently.
A) My camera is still having difficulties and therefore I can't show you any of my awesome pictures from forever ago :p

B) Everything else: brace yourself.

Lakepowell :D
FUN FUN FUN! And I swear I'm not trying to rhyme now, (I mean it! ;p ) but it was awesome to lounge around in the sun for a couple days with family. It's so weird, that was the last time I'll see Justin for two whole years! Odd, and Aubree will be eighteen soon?? What? Strange. I feel left out of this growing up stuff sometimes. But on the other hand, (besides having different fingers) I am a senior this year. Which I suppose counts. But that tangent has little to do with the crazy awesome kyaking, tube wars, "cliff" jumping (First there was the "cliff" that was more of an island just barely under water that Brianne liked to jump from, and then the little five foot-ish "cliff" that we jumped off of later. Both were, of course, extremely exhilirating. ;) )
P.S the tube wars were brutal. Just in case you wondered. :)

Martin's Cove:
I've been there two other times before the ward trip. So I was interested to find out how this time around went.
It was definitely a new perspective, and I personally am grateful we don't do the whole handcart across the country stuff. :p

Ice Cream:
;) My parents just barely got some from walmart and it's calling my name.
Although it is just 'chocolate chip oatmeal cookie ice cream'
It'll melt before I can finish saying it's blasted name!

*I'm sure I'll post again eventually :D

Au revoir!