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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Balconies are great places for these little beauties....

Haha True story! I have two hershey kisses from my balcony. Oh life. What in the world would we do without moments?


  1. I read blogs on my phone and before I open the actual post it shows me a preview with the post title and the first few words of your post. So my heart skipped a beat when I saw this at first because I couldn't see the picture! Hahaha! You got me all twitterpated! Then I was disappointed to see you were talking about the chocolate kind.

    You were talking about the chocolate kind....... right.....???

  2. I'm thinking there is an untold story here. So come on, give us the scoop!
    Can't wait to see you.

  3. you still owe us icecream from that "kiss" on the balcony :) ;)

  4. Haha Ang, I was talking about the chocolate kind. But there was more to the story (sorta like psychic Cherene my Aunt guessed.) And Kar, what kind should I buy? :p
