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Friday, June 03, 2011

Why I am grumpy:

    1. grump·y
      adjective /ˈgrəmpē/ 
      grumpier, comparative; grumpiest, superlative
      1. Bad-tempered and sulky

Why I am grumpy:
Subway is in fact much easier to work at than Story Tellers, (Sorry Story Tellers people who might find that offensive... in my defense there are cookies at Subway.)
However, I am grumpy because seven hours of Subway is good for the paycheck- not for the soul.
I'm grumpy also because I'm a stupid college student who thinks she can get away with four hours of sleep before long work days.
Also, Subway knives are incredibly sharp. My thumb lost that battle... and when it wouldn't stop bleeding, Mr. fellow employee squirted super glue on it anyway. I'll spare you the gory details of how the blood bubbled in the glue and such (oops. Did I just not actually spare you the details? Blast.) but I will tell you that it burns like H-E double you know where. (I was talking about Heibeli Greece of course. Goodness people, where are your thoughts? :p)

Since one reason isn't nearly enough to justify grumpification, here's another.
My room is a mess and I reeeeaaaaalllly don't want to clean it.

I feel fat.

I stink like Subway still.

... I can't actually remember all the reasons I had for being "bad tempered and sulky". Darn.

In other news... once upon a time me and Tabby went to St. George. (Erm. I meant Tabby and I. Because I have good grammar and stuff.)
Here's the gist of the trip:

Raise your hand if you love Tabby's car's sun roof!

Story time is our fave :)

My critique for Orange Peel. REALLY yummy. A bit over priced. Coolest machine to seal the logo on your cup as a lid. Straws that are hugemongous, but weird. (I'm tired. I'm not actually completing sentences today thanks.)

We enjoy kissing frogs... except it's sort of a let down when they don't turn into princes. That was sort of the whole point. 

I'm in love with silhouette pictures...

Super cool Del Sol rings we got for free. Because we screamed "WE LOVE DEL SOL" in public. We also made friends with the sales lady. Her boyfriend wears Aqua Di Gio cologne, and smells sexy. She enjoys doing Zumba. 

We also love rocking chairs!

St. George Branch.... found it!

Tabby's C jump looks more like she actually knows what she's doing. But my hair's fluffier? That's a positive, right?

I've missed the St. George Temple!

There was the cutest park by the library with the little stream thingy that everyone played in. :) I want to move to St. George!

Fun right? We know. 

... I feel like there should be some other, other news. But I can't remember it if there is any. So. Nap time! :D
Happy Friday! (It feels like Saturday... that's weird.)

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