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Thursday, December 08, 2011

You'll be with me like a hand print on my heart,


Yesterday I went to Marilyn Bulkley's funeral in Panguitch.
I worked with Marilyn at NHA this Summer, so it's been kind of weird, and kind of tough to hear that she passed away.
She was 59, and had to get her knee scoped. :) She'd hurt it after hiking Bryce Canyon multiple times a day, nearly every day during one Summer month- in the name of education. I hadn't realized she had taught elementary in Panguitch before coming to Bryce, but one of her daughters had Marilyn's past students- from both elementary, and from Bryce science camps- stand up, and it was incredible to see how many children's lives she'd influenced. Although, I think she influenced every person she ever came in contact with, she just had this infectious zest for life. We were almost always laughing with Marilyn. :)

I remember talking to her about a boy that I didn't think liked me back, while she smiled and listened quietly, adding reassurance here and there. A few days later I came back telling her how we had a date planned, and she had said something like, "Good! I was starting to think he was gay." :p
Another time, one of the front girls and I were walking down the hall, right as Shawn Duffy, Park Ranger (super hero/Mutant Ninja Turtles sound effects) walked out of a door. Apparently we're more terrifying than we realized because he hopped around and squealed like a little girl for a minute or two before continuing down the hallway. Kaylea and I were laughing so hard, and when Marilyn came over to get in on the fun, we couldn't even tell her the story! She giggled and grinned, and waited to figure out what we were so amused with. She always loved joining in on laughter. :)
After I bought Booth (my sexy blueberry car), I took the office ladies and SheRon for a ride. Marilyn had meetings, so I told her we'd have to go for round two sometime. True to the statement, we figured out an afternoon where she wasn't totally swamped, grabbed our purses and went for a 'road trip' to Ruby's for ice cream, which she insisted on buying for me. Ice cream in hand, we browsed through the little gift shops, giggling at the cute gifts, laughing at the funny ones, and giggling some more over the ugly/weird ones. That's when we found some pretty high class hats, and Marilyn told me you'd have to have a lot of confidence to wear the buffalo styled hats. I said we should find a hat and take a picture, she told me I had to be the buffalo, because 'she knew I could pull it off, with my confidence.' (I'm not sure what she was thinking there... :p)
On the ride back, she made a fuss over my car and asked me about boys I was dating, and life plans, and my purse. :) She had a knack for making everyone feel like her favorite, and like they were the best.
She was really into fashion too, she used to come out front to visit and she'd always, always, have some sort of fashion related compliment for each of us. My all time favorite one, though, was, "Oh! Let me see your butt!" (Said it a high pitched, excited lady sort of voice, while grabbing my belt loop to spin me,) "Those are such cute pockets!" Then she'd tell us about the cute pockets she found at her new favorite store, Bohme. (Which she always pronounced, Bow-me.) Marilyn made us feel like we were all practically runway models. (That's quite an accomplishment if you're wearing those *wonderful* polo shirts... ;p)
From Wicked:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good...
You'll be with me like a hand print on my heart..."

I think that truly encompasses the person that Marilyn was. Seeing how many people were at her funeral and how many different kinds of people there were speaks so highly of her. I think she left a lot of hand prints, and I'm so grateful that I have one on my heart. :)  Marilyn is the definition of beauty. I love and miss her so much! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Swetie, I only knew of Marilyn, but everything I heard was good. I am glad you got the chance to know and love her. There are a lot of neat people on the earth. Our lives are made better through our association with them. Hope we can all be the kind of people that enrich the lives of all we meet. Let's work on it shall we? Love you so much and I am missing you already. Please come visit before you have to leave for school. Stay sweet and beautiful....Gram....
