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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dang it Lynae! :p

So my cute friend, Lynae Lewis, blogged and did this cute nominating other blogs thing- (which you can read here if you didn't already click on her name) and she had the audacity to nominate me. Which was blandishing to say the least, of course, but now I feel incredibly obligated to follow up with the whole deal. Here are the rules: #1: Thank the person who nominated you
#2: Share seven facts about yourself
#3: Nominate 7 new bloggers to participate.
(Be sure to comment on their blog so they know they've won, too!)

So cute Lynae, who I met once upon a time at a football game after Dorothy introduced us, Thanks for the nomination :p I feel special now!
Ok. Here's the pulling teeth part: seven facts about Shannon...

#1 I live in Ephraim as of right now, and if I had it my way, I actually might just stay there! I love Snow College, and I love having my own apartment... I think cute Sanpete county is awesome- because I grew up in Piute county, which is pretty close to the same thing. :)

#2 I love sneaking off and helping my mom in the nursery! (Thanks, mom, for having that calling! It's far more entertaining than paying attention in classes. :p P.S Nothing against classes, that was a facetious joke.) In fact, I got to play with three little tow headed toddlers... seriously people, I wish I had a camera with me because it was so stinkin' adorable! (More about that later...)

#3 I feel exactly like this most days when I blog (so really, I'm not sure how I got on your list, Lynae.)

#4 I absolutely LOVE cooking and pretending like I actually know what I'm doing in the kitchen. (However, I've been informed by Tyler that I'm somewhat of a control freak when it comes to cooking... which I guess is kinda true. I like to feel like I can do it all by myself. I just sounded like I'm three.)

#5 When I'm stressed- I clean. It's a blessing and a curse, I assume

#6 I agree with Lynae, in that I'd rather hang out with my family. This is definitely a "post-move out" attribute, because before I'm sad to say it was the total opposite. Now I actually plot how I can make sure no one besides my family knows I'm home for the weekend so I don't feel like I have to split my time. :p

#7 I run away frequently. When I lived in Cedar it was usually to the Library, but now that I'm in E town, it's pretty much always outside the Manti Temple. I think it's beautiful and magical because no matter how upset I am, I always feel better pretty soon after parking where I can just look at the temple. I love it!

So... here's the lucky duck's I'm tagging...
2-Lynae (can I re-nominate you?)

Now, I've GOT to tell you the highlight of my entire church attendance today... (which may make me irreverent as an individual, but really. You'll understand.)
So I've discovered that life in a family ward is MUCH different than life in a singles ward. Much much MUCH  more entertaining I think. In it's own way. During the sacrament, I realized it was a little more hard (although it shouldn't be ;P) to sit very still and think about Jesus, His cross on the hill... (name that primary song!) in my singles ward it's so quiet that you can hear the twitter-pated heart beats across the chapel. :p Just kidding, (but seriously.)
So as I was smiling to myself and thinking, there was a family sitting behind us who only had one parent present at the moment, and she had to take the two boys out, which left a cute round faced little girl. So I was feeling bad for her, with her big eyes and "where did everyone go?" look, so I drew a smiley face on the back of my program and handed both it and the pen back to her. I got quite the masterpiece back! And later in the meeting I thought I could hear cute babbling coming from right under our bench! Low and behold, it was right under our bench! (And by 'it' I mean 'he'.) The baby had crawled under and was laying on his back so when I leaned over there were these big brown eyes and adorable chubby cheeks punctuated with a toothless grin. Seriously, how cute is that? He looked something like this:

 I'll take runaways crawling under my bench over silent, reverent meetings any day. :p (That's where my irreverence comes in.) Marissa, my little sister, picked him up, and handed him to me. So pudgy and I were irreverent together for the duration of Sacrament meeting. 
I discovered that if I stuck my tongue out at him he'd either A) grin uncontrollably, or B) make the cutest little face as if to say, "What in the world do you think you're doing with that thing??"
Needless to say, I'd like to rent one of those cute babies for my ward on Sundays. :p


  1. I am a TOTAL control freak in the kitchen. Klane rarely helps in the kitchen because he knows that if he tries, I will probably end up just taking over whatever I've assigned him to do. It's not so much that I feel the need to do everything myself, it's just that by the time he chops that tomato I could've chopped five of them while also boiling the pasta and making a roux, so really sometimes it seems easier to just do it myself. Haha. I get a little snappy and just start taking over for the sake of getting it all done. The timing is very important in cooking. In my defense. ;)

    I was so glad to hear that you relate to my feelings about blogging. This morning I was kind of feeling resentful about the whole situation, like, Why do I feel like I have to do this, again? And maybe, what is the point? But there are a lot of good things about blogging and so I'm trying to keep those in mind and keep a good perspective and soldier on.

    Also, I love family wards for the same reasons you listed. Single's wards get soooo serious. And your comment about the sound of twitterpated heartbeats in the chapel just made. my. day. :) Thanks for the giggle.

  2. I did my first year at Snow College and I loved it :)
