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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nifty Technology and the likes...

Yeah... today is cleaning checks. See that yellow body shaped thing? That's me. Or it will be by the time I'm finished here and I've shriveled up from total exhaustion and cleaning fumes. :p (How was that for drama?)
Last night I started a blog, and then Tyler came over and we had a verrry long visit and then after that I all but passed out on the couch, so the poor neglected blog post never got to be published. (And since I don't have the heart to deprive the poor post from his 15 minutes of fame, here it is. Late. :p)
That and I really don't feel like blogging about anything today. So.
Here ya go.

I think I've been home for a total of... not very many hours today. I got up and slicked my hair back and scarfed some breakfast while doing some last minute studying and then took my Chemistry exam, ran through my Medical Terminology notes before saying a quick prayer in a bathroom stall and running into the testing center to take test 7 before getting ready for Institute.
Traded movies back with Ryan, ran home, nibbled some lunch, ran back to institute... learned lots, went home, breathed for a second, and then came to the piano lab to practice Hymns because Sami asked me to sub for her on Sunday.
I practiced for an hour, and then went to my two hour Medical Terminology class and played a review game/curses (which was HILARIOUS) and had a five minute discussion with a boy about Tai Pan Trading, and it's awesomely affordable antique-ish home decor. 
And now here I am...

...again. Practicing some more while I wait for Tyler to come to the music building so I don't have to walk home in the dark alone.
(Because we all know that even if you sing the "Hey! Don't touch me there! This is my private square! R-A-P-E, that spells rape!" song that your roommate Jilly bean taught you, there still could be creepers hiding behind scandalous fire hydrants who don't care about your rapist warning song.)
Ope! I think he's here! Hooray! :D (I've been waiting to talk to him ALL day!)


  1. I love that your blog always brings back such happy memories of my college days. (Writing that sentence just made me feel really old. How is it possible that I have been graduated college for two years?!?!) Everything you're doing is just what I was doing like four years ago! Studying for Anatomy, going to the testing center, practicing (except I took voice lessons so I was singing), and hanging out with Klane a LOT. Such fun times! Oh and there was not one test in college that I didn't say a little prayer before. That's a lot of little prayers! They seemed to work, I did all right in the end. ;)

  2. Good thing you had Tyler come and walk you home because that night someone was beat up right outside that exact building!!
