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Friday, March 25, 2011

Flustered with a capital D.

I feel a little bit like this:

Discouraged accounts for the spelling of flustered with a capital D.

Homework kinda stinks sometimes... patience kinda stinks sometimes. Having your hopes smashed kinda stinks sometimes. So does cold.

That's why, my friends, I've gotta snap out of this!! I heard a quote somewhere once that you can be happy or you can be sad and miserable- the amount of work is the same. 
So, I've decided it's much happier to feel, well, happy. Don't you agree? Exactly. But it's definitely one of the 'uphill's of life. And to quote my Aunt named Cherene, "I've been uphill, and I've been downhill. Downhill is easier." Just sayin. Maybe it takes the same amount of work to get to the sad and miserable as it does to get to the happy and satisfied, but I've discovered that life is funny that way. Good, happy, healthy things don't have a shelf life. You have to keep maintaining them. (We call that work. Hard work, even.)
On the other hand, bad habits and negative thoughts and negative feelings are like foods that have LOADS of sugar and preservatives in them. They have a much easier time surviving shelf lives. Why is that, anyway? 
(I mean I know that I know the answer. That was a rhetorical question.)
The plan for Friday is this:

Look cute and read the scriptures. 

Ok so that's not really the plan. (Although I might throw that in there. :p)
I need to get off my bum and get ready for the day and just plow through everything that needs to be done. I might even try cleaning more than just my room- because who doesn't feel better in a clean apartment? Exactly.
(To be honest, I don't really even want to do all that though. I mostly just want to feel better. Without the work. That's what we call lazy.)
So here goes nothin' hot dogs!
I think this is what we call faith. Moving forward even when we don't feel like it, and believing that doing the right things is going to make us better. 
Have a fantastic Friday!


  1. I thought this was an awesome post! I have felt kind of bummed the last day or so. You always have the right perspective and I love that your blog lifts me up! Thanks again for your pure example! You're wonderful! And yes, you're right, doing all the right things, even if you don't feel like it, will always make you feel better in the end. And it doesn't hurt that it's the weekend. And that warmer springtime days are on the horizon. This is a yucky time of year but the best time of year (in my opinion) is ahead!

  2. Thanks Ang!! Your blog and your comments always lift me. :) Love ya!
