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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I lost my phone again.

And therefore I can't show you all the funny quotes that I wanted to.
But that's ok because I remember my favorite one: "Maybe my husband died in the war in heaven." (Found on my cousin Maycee's fridge. I giggled right out loud!)
Speaking of Maycee, she was part of my excitement for the day!
I went to drop off Matched (By Ally Condie) to Mrs. Jordan, and then had lunch with Cherene my Aunt at Pastry Pub and got hugs from my cute 3rd (now 4th) graders that I read with last year in Elementary tutor. My cousin's friend, Garret, left me a kind message telling me I'm going to go to hell since I didn't go to their institute class. (I think he was kidding. :p ...Maybe.) So to institute I went, which is where I found Maycee.  She casually brought up my break in skills, and that's how I discovered that she locked her spare key in her bedroom.
We climbed into Ted- and I mean that very literally since the passenger door's lock is broken- went to my house and grabbed a ladder, tossed it in the back of the trusty truck, and proceeded to break and enter through her bedroom window.

We discovered two things:
1- Mayce looked HILARIOUS hanging halfway out of the window...

and 2- we're thankful her bed is right under her window because face-planting all the way to the floor would've been painful. I mean. I'm pretty sure it would be. Plus carpet burn on your face is never fun, trust me.
(I lied, there are three things.)
3- I love Maycee! It's been so fun to visit with her this week, she's grown so much since college. I'm guessing she thinks the same thing about me. I hope. Because I feel like I've come a long way since Grad Night. 
 Most of our conversations consist of happy/silly memories, and of the gospel in our lives now.
 It's so weird because if you would've told me that this would be one of my favorite past times with my cousin, even just a year ago, I probably would've laughed. 
Isn't it funny how life changes so much so fast?

Maycee, Jade (her roommate) and I visited in their kitchen for a little while, but eventually my conscience kicked in and I went home to drop off the ladder and go to work. 
 I kidnapped Erin and went to Storytellers and shuffled back and forth for a couple of hours. I think that place makes me lose my marbles a little bit... I laugh way too much at really stupid things. I think that I probably drive the other workers insane too because the sleep deprivation mixed with boredom is probably the equivalent of what I'd imagine me on drugs or alcohol would be. 
I mean, "Imperial March" came on my iPod, and I actually said out loud that I felt like Hitler or something.
... Probably not appropriate, Shan. 
And then I actually  drew a mustache on a piece of tape and put it on.

... Which morphed into me and Erin drawing finger mustaches. (The worst, or best I guess, part is that my boss, Kim, walked in as I was drawing my second-option-mustache. Oh Shannon. When will you ever learn?)
This is most likely a sign that I need to go to bed earlier.
P.S. I feel like I'm just rambling and blogging out of obligation/boredom and so I probably am one of those bloggers that people mostly don't like because I blog every day and it sounds... whatever-ish. 
(Oh well. It's mostly so I'll stay sane anyway.)
Goodnight blog readers. 
I'll most likely continue my rambling tomorrow. :)

P.P.S.... Sometimes I genuinely wish I looked like Emmy Rossum. She's kinda really gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. Well, maybe you will be glad to know that I glimpsed that picture of Emmy Rossum before I had scrolled down to read what you'd written, and my first thought was that you were posting that picture of her because someone had said you looked just like her. I see a resemblance! Gorgeous eyes, flowing dark hair... I see it. :)
