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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Remember how I was bored?

I went to Walmart with Karlee and Vinney. Vinney nearly killed me via wheel chair (it's funny how you get away with so much more when you have him around because he's so huge and no one dares say anything to you. That's my guess anyway.) I admit, I splurged and got cinnamon rolls. I tried really hard to talk myself out of it, but in the end the Mr. Hyde version of me won over my conscience and we ate delicious cinnamon rolls.
And had a push up contest... It was a close one. I mean. I got one and a half. Vinney got seven thousand. Close, right?
Then Conner came over... I think I've scared him off, because he left and I haven't heard from him since. :p (This is why no one should be allowed to see me when I'm on bored/sugar high's. Shoot.)
Then a previous guy sent a SUPER random text about how he just got off a date and wished that she was like me. "Um... thank you?" What am I supposed to do with information like that anyway? I thought it was semi weird. (Although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit flattered.)

Today I went to institute in pajamas (I know. I'm sorry.) and now I'm on an Anne Geddes/ baby obsession tangent. Again. I thought that'd passed... but gender has the upper hand on me. I just love babies. I'm sorry. They're stinkin adorable.

Can you blame me? I mean really. 
And then I found my flash drive and put it in only to find a document on it called "Story" by a Miss Brianne Heap. :) Cutest ever. Really, her writing style makes me think of Junie B. Jones. (Which is a total compliment in case you haven't read any Junie B. I am IN LOVE with those books.)
But I must be really tired or something because I cried over a cute baby picture on Well. Several. 
And then I cried over Bri's story... it's not even a sad story! It's just too cute! (There's some serious emotion over abundance going on in my life today I think.) Institute may have inspired a few tears too.

I feel like I look just like this:

For a couple of reasons. 1-the obvious: emotion. 2- do you see the double chin?? Enough said.
This was a random blog post. But I had to do something non productive before I started studying. Ya know? :p

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