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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is rather early for me.

I got up at 6:00 this morning with all sorts of good intentions to go work out... but it'd been a late night for pretty much everyone so we  had to postpone the exercising madness.
It's kind of frustrating to be up that early, because truly it's NEVER this quiet in my apartment, and that means my brain has that much more concentration on driving me nuts! The past two weeks have been long and kinda difficult, but I've definitely come to appreciate the scripture, John 14:27, so much more. It's the one that talks about Christ giving peace unto us, "not as the world giveth", but as He gives. I've thought a lot about that scripture over the years- because I stumbled across it when we found out we were moving almost 5 years ago. (Holy crap! Five years?? Maybe I'm off and really it's only four... but it'll five years since my freshman year in May... right? I've gotta be losing my mind. No way it's been that long so soon!) Anyway, back to John,
I always noticed the distinction between Christ's peace, and the world's peace, but I don't think I ever really knew what that distinction was. Yesterday I read that scripture again and started thinking about what "world's peace" is considered to be. (That totally just made me think of Miss Congeniality with all the beauty pageant "World Peace" hullabaloo.) It seems like in the world's perspective, peace is serenity, tranquility, and no war. I don't think that's what Christ gives us as peace though. I think sometimes it does come down to that, but more often than not life goes on just as it was before we prayed for His peace. (Because God respects agency.) Christ's peace is the hope and the knowledge that no matter what happens- even if there is war, or if you fail a class, or if you get your heart broken- everything will be ok because a few things will always stay true. 1. God will always be God, and will always love and guide us as we allow Him to. 2. We will always be His children. What happens to us in life never changes our 'noble birth-right'. 3. The atonement will always be there, not only for sins and mistakes, but for any pain we feel or any short coming we struggle with.
I believe that's the kind of peace He offers. The peace of knowing someday everything will turn out exactly how it should, and that we'll be just fine if we stay in the safety of His gospel principles.

I totally just sounded preachy, but I thought it was a cool realization.

Also, I just have to brag... I went swimming last night for my work out, and my friend and I treaded water for over 10 minutes! Yeah, I know. Ten minutes sounds like nothing right? You try it. Haha, it's so much harder than I was expecting, but it felt so good to work so hard, ya know? If I can drag myself off my bum and make myself get started in working out then I'm fine, and I like it again. It's just that kick-start that seems to stay ridiculously difficult.

Wow! Today's Wednesday, I just realized that. (Sorry, I thought it was Tuesday all over again apparently.)
And Wednesday stands for "busy day". So I should probably get back to studying... which is what I did instead of working out. It seemed like a fair trade, and made my conscience stop getting on my case. :p
Happy Wednesday! (The week's all downhill from here!)

...P.S. How am I supposed to stay focused and get anything done with stinkin adorable little children running around the library making all sorts of cute jabbering?? I mean, really, people? It's so cute, I get distracted quite easily. I'd much rather be playing with cute toddlers than trying to figure out what in the world ischial tuberosities are.

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