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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Withdrawals, weeping wailing gnashing teeth &such.

This is why:

Do you see what I'm saying? (No, no. It's not about Alisha. She's nice. :) We like Alisha.) Long hair is what I'm talking about... Do you see what it is now?

Short. Sad and short and un-long and flowy and pretty.
Ugh. Someday It'll grow out. Knowing me, I'll slice it right off again. 
Circle of hairlife. 

But mainly I'm blogging for a couple of choice reasons.
I JUST BOUGHT TANGLED WITH MY ROOMMATE BDAY MONEY!!! (We're having a toe painting, Tangled/Taken watching party tonight. I hope.)

I've always secretly known I'm hideous, but never truly had to face the reality. Until today. I was about to go in our front door when Tori opened it and did this flailing flinching yelling thing. That bad, eh?
Then, I scared Sami twice on a Walmart trip. I must be hideous.
(On the bright side, I love this giggling madness.) (And singing Tangled songs in Walmart.)
Also, you should know that I'm the proud owner of a clever t-shirt that a man in Walmart commented on.
The front says, "I hate winter," and the back says, "But I love SNOW!" Ahaha. Punny isn't it? Anyway, I walked through the front doors, and went through the routine of saying hi to the very friendly greeters, and he responded with, "Welcome, I hate winter too." :)

But I'm still bummed that my hair is taking an eternity to grow back. I'm sure it'll happen eventually. (Back to learning more patience.

Also, Thankful Tuesday: (I decided I'm starting that.)
I'm thankful for the random nice things people say to you. This girl from my institute class gave me a huge hug, and told me multiple times she thinks I'm so awesome. (Who, me?) She always says the nicest things to me, and it really makes my day! Then it makes me think about the things I say. Do I make people who feel like crying smile instead? (That sounded really dramatic and cliche'. Sorry. :p)
Sunday, some sort of adult leader came up to me and told me he just wanted me to know that Heavenly Father was proud of the person I am and in the way I dress and speak and conduct myself. (He's also the man who told me at the first of the block that he wouldn't hold it against me that I was from Cedar City. Maybe he felt bad and decided to try and make it up.)

P.S I love the nursing home but it makes me all sorts of weepy lately. Maybe it's because I'm going to miss them when I leave. Because I am. Very much so.
Except lately when I've gone I just feel awkward. I feel like Tyler's all grand at talking to them and everyone just thinks I'm an idiot.
Sometimes I agree.
Sometimes I also struggle with being nice and patient with people who are all opinionated. Any thoughts? Because I'm pretty sure that I need to grow up and deal with interferences in other ways than stomping off to the library to cool off. I mean really. Aren't I supposed to act my age? (Oh wait. I'm still a teen. It counts.) :p
I'm now officially going to stomp right back to my apartment and eat dinner.
But I was serious about the thoughts on being patient with people that make you flustered. Someday I'll catch on to this being a good person thing. (Cross your fingers.)


  1. Short hair, long hair, impatient or flustered, I agree with the girl at institute and that other guy... You are AWESOME Shan!

    And I don't know how to deal with obnoxious opinionated people. I usually just smile and nod and get really quiet. Basically I am a doormat. Probably not the best way to handle myself. I call it "peacemaking" but secretly it is just cowardice. Haha.

  2. I think your hair is great - and that you are a terrific person. And I haven't forgotten your birthday present. I'm just really slow! I'm thinking that a surprise present is the best kind. You never know when you are going to get one from me.

  3. I love family! Thanks you two. :) Ang, you're so totally not a coward. You rock NY! Aunt Cherene, haha I totally forgot about a birthday present. Thank you thank you though for your comments. Love you!
