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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

oh life.

wow. it's been kinda forever since i've added anything to this thing! probably cuz no one looks at it. :p hehe. it's ok. it's entertaining for myself. so just to catch you all up.
life= maddness.
i feel so stressed! and school is only like... 1/8th of the problem. :p i was thinking the other day how old i was feeling. (old is used rather loosely so don't get all crazy on me. everyone freaks out if i say i feel old. yeah yeah, i'm still little and all but i FEEL oldER. make sense? :) ) so i'm nearly two less pre's in the elderly (long story) and i realized i have less than two years before i'm gonna be out in the world! Crazy! let's count down shall we? Let's see, it's what, november? let's just skip the end of this month since it's not a full month... december, jan, feb, march, april, may... summer... six months until schools out. um, wow. it doesn't feel like we've already been through three. and then i have three more for summer so there's nine months... then another nine of school and i'm graduated. WEIRD! i wanted to go to snow college for my generals, get used to life on my own... all that good stuff. and then i wanted to go to utah state in logan. but now i'm feeling rather attatched to cedar. maybe i'll just stay home and go to suu. but thats lame. i want to move out and try my hand at independance! except thats scary and stressful because i have a lot of money to save, and not a lot of income or time to bring it in. :p thats the problem with living in cedar, it's a college town so EVERY last job is taken. so i still work at storytellers, but they only have us come in at the end of every month to collate. and then child care is only summer/fall... and now i'm teaching piano, which will help. i have three students, including my youngest sister. Two of them are six, and haven't ever played; and one is nine(?) and played for about six months before... or something like that. it's so weird! playing the piano is one thing- teaching is a whole new ball of wax. i like it most days. :) haha most days, i've had three lessons so far. and i wont next week because it's thanksgiving! (YEs! bring on the turkey and extra ten pounds i don't need. AND the pie. :D of course the pie.)
school is... school. i'm surviving it. :p i have senioritis and i'm not even a senior! i'm SO excited in orchestra because we're playing christmas songs (yes, already) and i LOVE them! we're even playing a manneheim steamroller song. sorry if i spelled that wrong. ... sorry if you knew that i spelled that wrong. :p so orchestra is mostly fun. i keep hoping all that music will stimulate my brain into intelligence so that when i go to math next i'll understand. alas it hasn't worked as well as i wanted it to. yet. so math is still deathtastic, but only because i'm ridiculously slow in that class. seminary is fun, natalie and i are class presidents and it's kinda fun that way... haha i feel special. although it really isn't too incredible i guess. history... well let's not go there. and social dance is way fun, except for the scottish hopping dance. but there's a couple other irish/scottish dances that are fun! like the ping pong one... or whatever it's called, and then the one with the one guy and the two girls and the switching of partners... it's intense. and the cha cha was fun, however i'm not going to lie. my hips do not move. even if i wanted them to. it's a fun dance though, but i have to admit that the tango is still hands down my favorite. and the waltz is a close second. then english is still not as good as last year, but improving... :) and french is good. we watched the count of monte cristo. which inspired me to read the book. finally, after mrs. jordan refered it to me last year.
so. thats kinda an update on my life for tonight. i'll possibly add more later. but only possibly. :)


  1. hahaha shannon i love it! you are so funny and awesome! i love your thoughts on life because i feel a lot the same about a lot of things. (including the fact that my hips are incapable of moving :) ) you are so right about time going by too fast. Maybe you will always feel old. I also feel old, because it seems like two minutes ago i was writing all this same type of stuff in my journal as a junior in high school. I swear I am still 18 and then I remember, "Hey wait a second I am 22 and MARRIED! How did that happen??!" I don't know how time can go so slowly minute to minute but so fast year to year. Before you know it you will be 22 and MARRIED, too. And it is great. Life is fun, even after you graduate high school and head into the real world. I should say life is fun ESPECIALLY after you graduate and go out into the world! I am writing a novel here so i will stop. I just want to say i liked this post and i'm glad i found your blog and i think you are cool. It's weird to me that you used to be this "younger cousin" and now you are practically about to go to college. Oh gosh, i'm feeling old again. I should go. Love ya shan, see you this week! :) thanks for listening to my ramblings! ;)

  2. Hello my dear cousin! I basically can just say diddo to everything Angie just said (besides the 22 and married part of course ;) ) and I totally know how you feel. It's so wierd because I remember feeling like that as a junior in high school and now all of a sudden I'm a junior in college!! wierd. Time flies so enjoy it because it will all work out for the best. I love ya! :)
