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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thank Heavens for the Priesthood and good friends.

Yesterday I got a call from one of my best friends sounding rather hysterical, asking for my dad's number. Then after a few more phone calls I found out that one of my other best friend's dad had just passed away and they didn't know how or why but they needed a blessing from my dad since she's at college at SUU. It was such a shock, and I got thinking about how I used to be at her house all the time when I was little, and cooking with her dad or teasing and laughing, and I have to admit it really upset me. It's always been hard for me to not feel awful when someone dies, even if I didn't know them. I just always feel so bad for those who are so close to them, and I thought of my friend who's just starting college and her little sister who's only in middle school. It hurt. I missed my dad a lot and realized how grateful I am for my family and how much I miss them; how grateful I am for the gospel and knowing the cliche of "they're in a better place". I'm so glad that we know about the plan of salvation and that we know the big picture is more than just this life. I'm sure it's a happy reunion for him on the other side, and there's so much comfort in that.
I'm also so thankful for the preisthood, I just felt so. Blech. Ya know? And I could always go to my dad for a blessing, but he was sort of two hours away. So I asked my roommate and some of my friends if they knew anyone I could call, and some friends from Delta said they could give me one if I wanted or they could call a bishop for me. It was so adorable to watch them be so reverent and almost nervous. You could tell that they hadn't given blessings many times. Afterward they all gave me hugs and said- probably three times at LEAST- that if I ever needed anything or a blessing that they were always there. I always have friends close by to go to if I need to. They were almost giddy about it, so excited to be worthy to use the preisthood, and I just thought "Wow, this is so neat. Guys this age that are good, and excited and preparing for missions." It was absolutely adorable. I love them. :D

So. Thank Goodness for good wholesome friends and the Preisthood. Amen. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh, by the way...

We watched this in one of the assembly things. Personally, I liked it... but a bunch of people didn't. You decide.

"This"(part one)
"This"(part two)

Quick, say a prayer...

Classes start tomorrow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More Pic's :P

Well. Sunday. Sami and I skipped out on the combinded student ward fiasco, and went to Koosharem for Trever's homecoming- which was really good by the way. I love listening to Mission stories. I just think, wow. Heavenly Father is a genius. He sends boys out into the world, and they convert to men in the process of converting our brothers and sisters. It's the cliche 'two birds with one stone' thing I guess. :)We had homemade Ice cream (and free food... yes. We're totally switched into poor starving college student mode. Although we've yet to starve. Hopefully we'll keep it that way. :p) at the luncheon, and then came home, did laundry, filled out papers, ate. Slept. Watched some shows, washed dishes, cleaned up, lounged, made phone calls and ate some more. :p Oh, and as you can see we roasted marshmallows with our two other roommates, Tori and Alisha. Haha, We couldn't find a smoke detector, and therefore didn't set it off when Sami's Marshmallow all but spontaneously combusted. :D Haha, I love this already. It feels normal and right and sorta weird all at the same time.
Well, wish us luck... tomorrow's smart start and we kinda don't know what we're doing at all haha.
Love you all, miss you all...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well, world, here I am...

Yes folks, the rumors are true. I'm all moved in. It's kinda weird... but I'm probably in denial still, seeing how I haven't disolved into tears yet or anything. So I took some pictures, but my camera seems to be fizzling out on me. They're not very good at the moment.

My mom and dad and I drove to Manti last night, which by the way was grand fun. It was nice to have one on one time with each parent before I'm out on my own. And then we stayed in Manti and unpacked and got settled. I think we were all aggrivated with how much junk I brought- and left- because I sort of just threw everything together. Then they took me to lunch and WalMart... and then they said goodbye. Which was odd.

Yeah. Maybe later I'll try to take much more artistic pictures. But before I end this bloggation...
This is my week before moving. :)

Yup. Life's good.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is this really me?

Am I really moving in five days? Did I honestly just pack up almost everything in my room and closet? This is sooooo weird people.
So. Weird.

That's all, goodnight.

P.S I'm kinda ridiclously excited though!!! :D

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just because. :)

Hello there readers. Chosen few. :p (Emphasis on few I'm sure.)

I was writing letters to a couple of friends who are in the National Guard and are at Basic Training right now- it's so strange to think of my friends going places like that. We're supposed to be little still, trying to pick between the slide or the swings at recess, right? But here we are, growing up and moving out into the world. Making mistakes and living life- finding out who we are and where we're going. Because now we're doing it for ourselves. We don't have parents to enforce curfew or take our car keys and ground us if we break a rule. This is us. We're the rulers of ourselves, and we have more responsibility now.
I found a scripture a while ago, it's now one of my favorites. D&C 58:28, "For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward." I love that. We have power. But it's not just any power, it's the power that comes by living the gospel. The power is that of God's presence with us wherever we go, because we've been taught guys. We know all the 'primary answers'. Yes, we're entering a new world of freedom and independance, but we've been given the rules and guidlines all along because they're the life vests. They'll keep us from drowning in the world. The power is in me. It's in you. We're moving into a time when we are our own agents, and as long as we do good- as long as we're active examples of our faith, and as long as we serve the Lord continually- we can't lose our blessings and rewards of safety and happiness.
I'm so excited to move out, but I've been more and more uneasy as the date got closer. It's next Saturday, and even though I don't feel ready, I know I have a friend with me through all of it. :) And so do all of you.

I just wanted to share that with everyone today, because it made me feel so happy. :) Have a beautiful Friday! On with the weekend! ;D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Appreciate the small things...

Like, oh I don't know. Eating pizza and french fries.
Because I'm telling you, people, this jello and 'sweetheart cereal' is making me rather blue. It's worse than we thought it would be... I even craved tuna fish this morning. Ew? So i chopped up baby pickles into extra extra baby pickles and ate tuna right out of the bowl with a fork. Also I should mention that the mayo may have been a wee bit old... perhaps. Now my stomach isn't happy with me, my head is pounding- I don't wanna be addicted to anything, lay off those loratab- and my teeth are writhing in agony.

Ok so maybe it's not all that bad, but it's not fun either. No siree... no fun at all. Also I don't do the whole standing up thing much because my brain fluids are on strike and are making me dizzy. Cruel, aren't they? My body's on strike.

So appreciate the little things. Otherwise, here's what you'll miss:

*Straws. I wanna drink through a crazy straw :(
*The Gym. (Of course, inspiration always strikes when it's impossible to follow through. Conspiracy? I think yes.)
*Ice cream cones. (Remember how you didn't like those before Shannon? Well, welcome to conversion. You miss them.)
*Hanging out without feeling like you're dozing off or drooling or a total dud.
*Being able to eat without drooling
*Work (yeah, no kidding.)
*sleeping on your side
*Brushing your teeth normally
*Blow drying your hair upside down
*feeling productive
*Energy (On second thought, scratch that. Like I had that to begin with? Who am I kidding people?)

But, on the bright side I've learned to appreciate nerds of the past who came up with the sedative that made it so I didn't have to sorta witness the whole deal, the pain killers that are keeping me from turning into a total wild animal in my agony, and all that good stuff. Also, I've been addicted to the show Psych, and finished a whole season of it... watched a few "Plane Jane"s and decided no guy is worth trying so hard for and getting nothing in return. (I also decided I'm tired of this whole guy thing and I should go on a romantic detox. Because whoever I marry in the future is going to love me for me. Not Shannon trying, or Shannon being tolerant and extra thoughtful to impress, not Shannon holding her tongue and putting up with being mistreated because that's all she deserves... he'll love me for me. And so in order for me to find him, he has to find me. Which means I have to find me. So... romantic detox- here I come. Boys- beware.)
I also discovered that the "Microwave for another 1-2 minutes" isn't a matter of preference, you have to actually watch that stuff. Because when you stick it in for two (just for good measure) and walk off to your computer to look up someones facebook status, sometimes the whole thing bubbles right over and oops, there's nothing left in your bowl of what could have been delicious hot cereal.
Yeah... they never said anything about crying over spilled cereal, now did they.

Anyway... I'm rambling now, aren't I. Maybe that's because I've been stuck here feeling like death for the past three days. Oh wait. Today's Thursday, right? Make that four.

(We are not amused.)

Monday, August 09, 2010

It's a shame...

The twins didn't force me to blog in the middle of my drugged up-ness after all.
I'm sure it would've sounded like a rather normal me, since I think I'm always loopy.

The dr walked in and asked me how I was. Hello sir, I'm here, you just told me all four are impacted and the heart moniter is giving away the fact that I absolutely hate this sorta thing. Stupid moniter stop beeping so fast! :p Then he started asking questions about where I was going to school after he put the sleep stuff in the I.V. Who knows what I said haha. Too bad eh?

Anyway. A few drooly shakes later I'm feeling bored and sick of the gauze flavor of today. But hey. I get out of work right? :p

Peace out, Teeth of wisdom, I do not miss you.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Dear teeth of Wisdom,

While I think you're basically harmless, and I'd much rather keep you in my head than undergo happy gas and have you ripped mercilessly from my skull.
Nevertheless, you have caused some pain, and probably would sabotage my life eventually in the future. So, farewell you smarty teeth you... I haven't decided if I'll miss you.
Sincerely Shannon.

P.S in the count down for moving outage craziness... I have 13 days. As of today. 12, really, since today is basically through.

Also. Rain, you are my perfume of choice for Mother Nature, and Thunder and Lightening... you two are the best of the arts.

Hooray for beautiful rainstorms, hooray for modern medicines, hooray for church and cute children in family wards and getting to play in nursery with my mom. :P
Nice going sun, and sky and air. Thank you, beautiful sunflowers that reminded me of my Creator and His infinite power and love. Hooray for people who know far more than I do that can write books so I can learn. And Hooray for blessings. :)
Good Sabbath to you all ;)

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Nice going world...

"Somehow amidst the darkness and confusion, during the times when you're certain you can't go on, the world keeps turning."

Nice huh?

The garage door broke, my tire got a flat car (Oops, did I say that? :p Haha), my room looks like Armageddon (As does my bathroom. I guess it gets to be the sequel), teeth of wisdom get to become un-impacted and removed Monday (hooray for modern medicine!), Work still stinks, I'm only a fourth of the way into boxed up-dom, I have sixteen days until move in day, my hair is gross and I need to dye it back to my original color, money is stupid (why can't we still just trade chickens and potatoes for stuff?), and I work a double tomorrow.

Whelmed. Not over, or under... just whelmed.

I feel so unprepared for this moving out stuff, and like I'm flying by the seat of my pants.

But whatdya know...

the world's still turning.