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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Appreciate the small things...

Like, oh I don't know. Eating pizza and french fries.
Because I'm telling you, people, this jello and 'sweetheart cereal' is making me rather blue. It's worse than we thought it would be... I even craved tuna fish this morning. Ew? So i chopped up baby pickles into extra extra baby pickles and ate tuna right out of the bowl with a fork. Also I should mention that the mayo may have been a wee bit old... perhaps. Now my stomach isn't happy with me, my head is pounding- I don't wanna be addicted to anything, lay off those loratab- and my teeth are writhing in agony.

Ok so maybe it's not all that bad, but it's not fun either. No siree... no fun at all. Also I don't do the whole standing up thing much because my brain fluids are on strike and are making me dizzy. Cruel, aren't they? My body's on strike.

So appreciate the little things. Otherwise, here's what you'll miss:

*Straws. I wanna drink through a crazy straw :(
*The Gym. (Of course, inspiration always strikes when it's impossible to follow through. Conspiracy? I think yes.)
*Ice cream cones. (Remember how you didn't like those before Shannon? Well, welcome to conversion. You miss them.)
*Hanging out without feeling like you're dozing off or drooling or a total dud.
*Being able to eat without drooling
*Work (yeah, no kidding.)
*sleeping on your side
*Brushing your teeth normally
*Blow drying your hair upside down
*feeling productive
*Energy (On second thought, scratch that. Like I had that to begin with? Who am I kidding people?)

But, on the bright side I've learned to appreciate nerds of the past who came up with the sedative that made it so I didn't have to sorta witness the whole deal, the pain killers that are keeping me from turning into a total wild animal in my agony, and all that good stuff. Also, I've been addicted to the show Psych, and finished a whole season of it... watched a few "Plane Jane"s and decided no guy is worth trying so hard for and getting nothing in return. (I also decided I'm tired of this whole guy thing and I should go on a romantic detox. Because whoever I marry in the future is going to love me for me. Not Shannon trying, or Shannon being tolerant and extra thoughtful to impress, not Shannon holding her tongue and putting up with being mistreated because that's all she deserves... he'll love me for me. And so in order for me to find him, he has to find me. Which means I have to find me. So... romantic detox- here I come. Boys- beware.)
I also discovered that the "Microwave for another 1-2 minutes" isn't a matter of preference, you have to actually watch that stuff. Because when you stick it in for two (just for good measure) and walk off to your computer to look up someones facebook status, sometimes the whole thing bubbles right over and oops, there's nothing left in your bowl of what could have been delicious hot cereal.
Yeah... they never said anything about crying over spilled cereal, now did they.

Anyway... I'm rambling now, aren't I. Maybe that's because I've been stuck here feeling like death for the past three days. Oh wait. Today's Thursday, right? Make that four.

(We are not amused.)

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