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Sunday, August 08, 2010


Dear teeth of Wisdom,

While I think you're basically harmless, and I'd much rather keep you in my head than undergo happy gas and have you ripped mercilessly from my skull.
Nevertheless, you have caused some pain, and probably would sabotage my life eventually in the future. So, farewell you smarty teeth you... I haven't decided if I'll miss you.
Sincerely Shannon.

P.S in the count down for moving outage craziness... I have 13 days. As of today. 12, really, since today is basically through.

Also. Rain, you are my perfume of choice for Mother Nature, and Thunder and Lightening... you two are the best of the arts.

Hooray for beautiful rainstorms, hooray for modern medicines, hooray for church and cute children in family wards and getting to play in nursery with my mom. :P
Nice going sun, and sky and air. Thank you, beautiful sunflowers that reminded me of my Creator and His infinite power and love. Hooray for people who know far more than I do that can write books so I can learn. And Hooray for blessings. :)
Good Sabbath to you all ;)

1 comment:

  1. Booo. Sorry you have to get your wisdom teeth out. Hopefully it's as easy for you as it was for me! Hardly any swelling and no big deal at all! GOOD LUCK! :) Oooh and a nice summer thunderstorm sounds great right about now. We haven't had one yet!
