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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pillow fights in Heaven

So um, it's snowing. (wince) I was sooooo very much done with snow. And now I'm sitting here looking out the windows thinking how soft and fluffy and pure it looks. Maybe I'm just really weird, (affirmative :p ) but it makes me think of pillow fights in Heaven. :) Hey. Don't blow it off, it's a plausible theory. Who said angels can't have a little fun too? Of course in heaven they'd have beautiful white feather pillows. That would be super tempting to me, I don't know about you, but apparently it was super tempting to the angels too. :) Because, alas, we have this cold wet stuff everywhere again. Blast, I'm getting rather antsy for spring to just get here. I hope this doesn't freeze the crocuses (or whatever they're called) outside my window. A few weeks ago Brianne (the littlest sister who's six) and I were walking home from church and we got to our front porch and I noticed little tufts of green sticking out of the flower bed. :) Being ready for spring and all, I got rather excited and did this little "YES! GREEN! SPRING IS COMING!" dance (lyrics included.) Brianne just sort of watched me for a minute and then said, "Shannon. Calm down." while grinning at me like I was the craziest human on the planet. (I'd gratefully accept that title. Life is getting too boring these days with everyone too busy with serious stuff. Let's give a hand to the crazies and weirdies of the world who keep things kinda light. :p I mean really, where would you all be without weird people to make you laugh? :D)
So anyway. One week left in this penitentiary. :p (AKA my house.) I'm not totally sure, 'cause I've lost track, but I think this will be a total of seven weeks being grounded. SEVEN WEEKS????? Yup. Seven. Let this be a lesson to you all. (Er... or at least the ones of you it can still apply to. Although I'm sure if we all think hard enough it can apply to everyone in any circumstance...) Do NOT let yourself procrastinate schoolwork until you're buried in this deep dark black hole of 'behind-ness'. It's easy to dig the hole the first time, but it's INSANELY hard to dig another way out... and then fill it in. Yeah, don't believe me? Well then, go ahead and try it my little critics. Because after you get past the emotional blisters and muscle cramps you'll think differently. It's been so hard and frustrating so I'm thinking that maybe this time around I'm just gonna stay caught up with everything. Sound good to you? Sweet. Cuz that's what's gonna happen. :) Have a loverly snow day. (Oh. That's right. This is Cedar. We don't have snow days. :p Lame. Plus it's Saturday anyway so it wouldn't be all that beneficial. :p Haha whatever. Happy Saturday!)

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