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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

pride and prejudice, colleges, piano, summer, cut grass and texting.

Well, I'm going to say it's safe to assume just about everyone else is as busy as I feel because it seems like it's been forever since people have posted. Of course it could just be that I never check this anymore, but hey.
School is coming to an end.
Do you even realize how WEIRD that is?? I counted down yesterday in Geography while I was being murdered via boredom. We have 22 school days left. Where has the year gone?? And next year I'll be a senior. (I still feel too little to be a senior, like maybe I should still be making mud pies in the back yard rather than touring colleges.)
And speaking of colleges, my cousin Maycee and I went to Snow College in Ephraim to attend a "Snow Blast". Basically we drove down in her car (haha, following my parents :p We were mostly independant though, right?) and discussed the devilish torments of boys. And girls. And mostly just drama in general. We got there and met the cutest girl, Laura (something that starts with a W.) who is engaged, along with two of the other Ambassadors there. They were HILARIOUS at the table when we were eating dinner talking about weddings and plans and Texas. And shopping. :p (Maycee I hope you read this because only you can fully appreciate that part.) Anyway, Laura gave us a tour of the campus, (COOLEST MUSIC BUILDING! .... and lots of other cute buildings. I really like Ephraim :D) and after lots of walking, bell towers, and flights of stairs we went back to the 'noise hall' (?) and split into our housing groups... we stayed with one of the Ambassadors in her apartment... which by the way was adorable. I'm so excited to graduate now. :D Anyway, her rather attractive next door neighbors came over (apparently they do that every time there's a snow blast :p) and they visited for a while. Then there was the hay ride and dinner at Roy's pizza place thingy... and more 'scenery'... and then we went to a bon-fire where a SUPER scenic pre-dental major guy decided we needed to play "Bum Charades" :p where you have to spell out a word with your bum in the air. I can't decide if it's probably borderline inappropriate because you're not only giving people permission to look at your *ahem* behind, but you are ENCOURAGING them to watch your silly bum-wiggling. :p Although I can't blame anyone, because it is quite hillarious. :p So after way too long of mud, and bum charades and burning three couches we went back to the apartment. And it was like a giant girls' sleepover horror. haha. Actually it was really fun.
Next topic!
Summer. :D (ahhh!) Beautiful, wonderful, warm summer! No school, no homework-
no homework. :D :D :D (double ahh!)
It's been warm- finally- and so windows in school and at home have been opened for the cooling down of it's occupants. :D And I can smell mowed lawns, which flips the switch for flash backs of summers' past. :) I love it! It makes me think of Circleville when I had to mow the lawn and I hated it. :p And the 'island' in the front by the white fence with the quaky trees. It's beautiful! And green, and shady... I miss our old house a lot actually. And our trampoline :) (sigh) good times. :D haha. I miss our yard and our lane, and my bridge. :p And the pastures and old haunted houses. :)
(wow. cliche of smiley faces. Geeze Shan, calm down.)

There are only four-ish more Tuesdays before school gets out. Which means only four more days to teach piano before summer break.
I'm torn on how I feel about it though.
Gracia and Allisen are sooooo adorable! :D I'm going to miss them; Gracia and her intense concentration while she counts "Quarter, quarter quarter, half-note-dot" and wiggles her head to the beat. :) And Allisen's shy grins while she pretends like she doesn't absolutely HATE being at piano lessons. :p They're cute girls, I hope they come back next year for sure.
Emily and Bri are planning a good behavior party.
And I cant even remember what I was going to say about texting but I must go now.
I have to get ready to go to this stake dance class thingy for youth conference...
random, but way fun!
I"m excited. :) I love dancing.
.... so uh, aurevoir? :p

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