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Thursday, February 02, 2012

It's a jungle out there!

But only if jungles get snow... I woke up this morning to a beautiful, freezing, wet picture outside my window. :p
Anyway, I have two and a half stories.
I should probably start with the one and a half stories that are pretty much meaningless besides it shows you how grumpy/easily entertained I am.
I came to the library after classes and such, and plopped down to do TWO math assignments. (This is why you shouldn't procrastinate in school.)
The guy who was seated to the left of me had ridiculously noisy nostrils. (How was that one, Aunt Cherene? I think it's at least a 3-5 pointer. ;) ) So I cranked up my Paul Cardall Pandora station. Guess who can breathe louder than my volume limit? So I think, "goodness Shannon. Have a little patience and just do your work." Which I tried my best to do. Noisy Shaun White got up after a couple of minutes, and I sighed a breath of relief. Two seconds later, Larry the Cable Guy shuffled in, donned some "beats" headphones, and proceeded to breathe noisily out of a tiny coffee straw. Seriously?? Haha, moral of that story? Apple ear buds are nothing in comparison to the male breathing crew at Snow College.
After Larry wandered off, a nice looking guy came and sat down next to me, left his coat, and walked off. Strange? Nah. Happens all the time. People think that their articles of clothing/ backpacks/ planners/ etc... can do their homework without them being present.
Anywho, he came back after a moment, plopped down in his chair and began to bounce around and pretending to play along with some sort of inaudible music going on down here. (Seriously, no head phones, nothing playing over the system, no computers spewing out music... just silence. His brain radio must work much better than mine.) He grinned and played his invisible keyboard for a minute or two, then got a total deadpan look on his face, walked off, and came back. He's now sitting very un-animatedly at his machine looking kinda like Frankenstein.
Moral to this story? I'm probably not going to find Prince Charming anytime too soon. ;)

Ok. Now for the one story that actually is exciting!!
I went to Subway again today. Practically begging to be hired. (Can you be arrested for soliciting a job?)
Sharon looked at me with zero emotion and told me she's already hired a couple of people and to call her in two weeks. (She said something else after that but I was too bummed to pay too much attention.)
"Sorry, but yeah, call in two weeks."
I smile, "Ok, thank you so much!" (I'm an expert actress.)
Jayson, my non-gay, gay friend winks at me from the cash register, "Love ya Shan!"
I make a frowny face at him (didn't that sound wonderfully Junie B-ish?)
This is the part I'm not especially fond of, so if you'd like to discount it, that's fine with me.
I pulled out of Subway's parking lot, changed the song from "Lucky" to "The Kill" and drove around the block so I could sing one angry song, and then go home, get over it and do homework.
(The funny part is the first thing I thought was, "Seriously? Heavenly Father how am I supposed to afford life if I can't even find a job? Where am I supposed to go next?" and then I thought, "Angry music time." and followed that with an afterthought of, "fine, only one angry song. I don't even have time to be flustered.")
Literally two minutes after I walked into my apartment, set my stuff on my bed and decided on lunch before productivity, Jays called me. From work??
Turns out Sharon realized that I was that annoying girl who's friends with Jayson and has worked at a Subway before. (Except I hope she didn't think I'm an annoying girl...) She told Jayson that as soon as he finished the sandwich he was working on, he needed to be on the phone and tell me that she wants to hire me!
Interesting how timing works out sometimes, huh?
(I think I failed that test of attitude though. :p)

Now. Back to homework... and PACKING!!! I'm sooo stinkin excited to go home for the weekend, it's not even funny! Aubree's bridal shower is going to be super adorable! And I've been informed that I'm going to have a dance party to "The Backyardigans". (They're addictive, you know. ;p)
Peace, and blessins everyone! Peace and blessins!


  1. I'm so happy for you and your new job! Yay! Thank goodness you got connections, girl. ;)

    I wish I could've come to aubree's shower! But my mom said you were snapping away with your camera, so I hope you will post some pictures of the shower to share! I heard it was fun! (How could it not be? Our family is awesome! ;)

  2. LOVE YOU SHANNON !!! Was not that a fun, fun shower? Your Mom's and you girls did such a great Job on the game. Our family does do a great job when they plan things don't they?.
    Good luck on your new job. You are a great employee. They will love you and they are so lucky to have you. We will be seeing you soon.....Can't wait.... Love you soooo very much....Gram...
