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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'm about to brag so hold on to your britches...
I totally did my laundry in one load today. (Yes, that means I didn't do darks vs lights.) That probably sounds silly, but if you saw those laundry machines, you'd understand. It's officially on my to-do list now to take a picture so you'll believe me. They're baby washers, and I swear they only go halfway down!
The only down side of getting everything into one load is that I have a purse full of quarters now. (Guess I'll save them for next time!) Either way though, laundry only cost me $1.75 instead of $3.50!
Last time I went shopping I did price match for basically everything I bought... I'm saving money like a mad woman!!

Also, in other news, Chelsi gave me indigestion the other night and made me take cupcakes to the attractive man from my ward that I maybe wouldn't mind dating. Did I mention he's magnificently attractive? Oh, well, he is. Cute smile, funny personality, and is superb at interpretive dances to "I will survive". Aren't you in love now too? ;) (Ok, so 'love' is faaaaaaaaaaaar too serious. More like.... infatuated. Or maybe even just school girl crush from afar.)
Good news though, the indigestion passed, and he came and sat by me at the Stake Talent show! (I genuinely hope no one outside of family reads this sometimes when I spill my mushy almost qualifying as romantic posts.) Anywho.
I'm going to the other of my 'three musketeer' cousin's wedding celebrationing today and tomorrow! Weird! Life flew right past and knocked me on my bum. Out of no where. (Kind of rude, huh.) ;)


  1. Hi sweet Shannon. We sure injoyed you on our trip to and from the wedding festivities. You are so much fun to be around and also so kind and good to Gramps and myself. We do dearly love you. Hope school is going great. Way to go on saving money. It really is kind of fun to do isn't it?
    Hope we will be seeing you soon. We do get lonesome to see you!!!
    Love you so very much.........Gram.......

  2. I'm so excited about your new crush! And I wish I had read this before I saw you this week so I could have asked you about it! Anyway, it was good to see you at the wedding! I thought you were so great for taking the time to come up, all by your lonesome! You're the best.
