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Sunday, September 19, 2010

In the blink of an eye...

Today I took a freezing cold shower and smiled to myself thinking of all four of the other girls who showered before me that I live with now. I got ready with their opinions and advice, helped pick out other outfits and assured others that no, their bum did not look giant in that skirt. Scarfed some wheaties, while putting pork ribs into the crock pot with a pinch of this and a dab of that (and oh, that onion soup mix needs to be used... sprinkle some of that in... ;p)and told Sami that she could make the potatos and let me eat her grapes when she said she felt bad that I always cook. ("Yes, Sami, it's fine. No, I like to cook. It's ok I promise, it just means I get to eat your poptarts and frozen grapes." :) Haha I love that girl.) We drove to church- thinking of every justification possible to our laziness- and sat together on a row, taking notes from lessons being taught by girls our age in Relief Society and sitting by guy friends who followed along in the scriptures and smiled and were adorable in Sunday School. I sat in a Sacrament meeting where my peers were there because they wanted to be, not because their parents dragged them there. I listened to speakers who already have awesome insights and smiled at my cute bishopbric.
Today I teamwork cleaned our apartment and set out flowers that my neighbor gave me for helping to clean up after he got the flu. (Remind me to tell you that story later...)
Today I called my parents and felt like a friend more than a child. I visited with my baby sister and talked about cursive and writing letters and dress shopping.
Today I felt something shifting.
Because once upon a time I got up in the morning and took a freezing cold shower and I probably threw a shampoo bottle on the ground and grumbled about it. Once upon a time I ran around the entire house because I was angry and my dad wanted to talk about it and I didn't. (Holy spunk meister?) Once upon a time I went to church ornery because I was trying to fake sick and my mom made me go anyway. (Mean mother huh ;) Thanks mom.)
... I don't remember where I was goin with this.
Oh well. My point is, Life is happening so fast! It's INSANE!

... Ok. So I got a little distracted and now it's tomorrow. Or at least "today" is now yesterday. So.
We're making stuffed crust pizza. It's basically fabulous. I'm at this very moment trying to post a picture from my cellular device. Hang on.

... Still hangin? Good. :)

Holy Yum.

Here's the recipe:
2 1/2 c. flour
1tsp salt
1tsp sugar
1 Tbsp yeast
3 Tbsp oil
1 c warm water

Mix dry together. Add oil and warm water, mix/knead dough for 5 min, cover bowl and let the dough rise for an hour. Press dough out on lightly greased pan. Bake at 450 for 7-10 minutes. Add sauce and toppings. Bake another 7-10 or until crust is browned. Devour ravenously ;)

P.S sorry that the picture basically stinks. Between the lighting and the fact that the cheer boys downstairs still have my camera (that got lost on the grass when Sami's date scaled our balcony when we got locked out on Saturday) so I'm using my sad cell phone camera... it's just hopeless to get a great photographer shot. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I just do. :) You're great! Yay college and growing up!
