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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I apologize most sincerely

I've been a little on the bored side with my blog. Nothing new, just lots and lots and LOTS of people and lots of interesting observances...

On the bright side, I got last Saturday through Monday off, so I got to spend more time with my familia! (Whether or not that was a good thing depends on who you ask I suppose. :p After kicking Miss out of my room repeatedly- erm, I mean the room that my parents so kindly let me use that they own (that was just for you dad ;) )- and dominating the Netflix watchage (Bones is definitely the best!) they're probably happy to send me on my way again.)
My dad even made peach cobbler! (Mostly because I "smelled" it. Or so I like to tell myself, it makes me feel special.)

Also, I rediscovered my love for Jack Johnson. That fellow's voice can smooth every ounce of road rage right out of me! It's a new driving home from work tradition. Starting now. (Or an hour ago.)

Lately, I've been thinking a lot. And this is total reiteration so you can skip this part if you want,
but I really am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with my grandparents on both sides this Summer. They've got so much wisdom and love that I just feel like a whole new woman! :p I love them so much! I have an audience who thinks I'm great when I practice the piano, and free hugs whenever I need them, discussions on life and love and religion and funny memories in the evening after a hard day of work, recipe plotting, and just feeling like I'm someone of worth who's loved. How priceless is that?
I love my grandparents yard with the fruit trees, and garden and rose bushes... I seriously love small towns so much!
I just love life. :) Even if it is scary and you've got absolutely no idea where you're going after this phase, and it's flustering and confusing sometimes. Life's good, right?

Tomorrow my Mama and sisters are coming to Tropic and staying til Sunday(?) when my Mom and Dad are speaking in Hatch. I think my Grandpa might be more excited than me. :) It's so sweet to see what a soft spot he's got for my mom. And how could he not? She's a good one! Sunday, I'm playing the piano in Hatch, and if you all want to have a special fast that I don't totally massacre the song, that'd be ok with me. It's "Come Thou Fount" which is one of my dad's favorites, and one that I love love love! We sang it in our YSA choir in Ephraim at Stake Conference, and it's such a powerful song!
Speaking of Sunday's, the next one is when my cousin Justin is having his missionary homecoming! It's so crazy that it's already been two years, but I'm so excited to see and hear him speak. :) His letters and e-mails are always so sweet, he's such a good example. :) I'm so lucky to have so many of those on both sides of the family too. :)

And now that I've rambled about a whole lot of random thought barf, I'll spare you all and say adieu. :p


  1. Oooh I will be there at justin's homecoming too! So exciting!

  2. Sweet Shannon... We have two great weekends to look forward to don't we? Don"t worry you will do a great job on the musical number. love to hear you play. You can tell you feel what you are playing. That is a great gift Shannon so appreciate it and keep playing.. Love you tons Gram
