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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Emotions and Vegetables. Vemotions? ... Emegetables?

A. I think that we should be able to turn off feelings because who ever wants to feel sadly or sickly or ugly or fatly or lazly or and all those other 'ly's? Really, who wants those? Let's just skip out on them, please and thank you. Especially jealousy(ly) and jaded(ly). And lonely. And stressedly. (Ok, this is getting out of hand listing every negative emotion that pops into my frazzled head. Moving on? I think yes.)

B. Ya know those leafy greens and purples and oranges and red? Those tasty vegetables that kids never like and that for the most part I only eat because I have to? Yeah, vegetables. I'm CRAVING those things. Um, hello. This is getting bad people. Shannon Heap with the wishful middle name of Elizabeth is actually craving fruits and veggies. She even walked past cinnamon rolls, and all sorts of chocolatey treats, and all she could think was, "Yum, I want some peaches and V8."
I need a diagnosis. What is my problem guys??
Although better this way than the usual binge of burritos and peanut butter toast.

Work. Just don't whistle while you do it. Co-workers of mine have, and I'm here to report that it makes it seem longer and more annoying. I left with more twitches than usual. Speaking of work, that's basically all I do. Hence the zero updates. Some friends and I went to the lake, they're pansies though 'cause they only wanted to stay for a couple hours. Dear friends, we paid ten dollars to park for the day, and park for the DAY we must. Whats with this 2 hours deal? Goodness. I swear I could LIVE on the water if I could get away with it. I miss Lake Powell get aways like a chubby kid misses cake. Maybe even more. (Yeah, that much.) And the July Jambouree was pretty awesomely fun, I had a 'baby sitter', and he was crazy entertaining to hang out with. We found him a sweater (which made all the ladies think he's hott stuff. This really cool girl helped him pick it out too... oh wait, was that me? Oh, my bad. :p) and bought snow cones, and then ice cream... then danced at the cheerleaders fund raiser neon night thingy. This ten year old was the smoothest operator I've ever seen. He danced with one of the chaperones, and then reprimanded her husband for not dancing with his wife. :) Haha, kids. They say the darndest things. So I've been told anyway. And then after the dance we watched a scary movie. During which I fell asleep. Yeah, beats me. Who knows how I slept through the screams and "DUN DUN DUUNNN!!!!" music and five badrillion "Nasty-nast"s. (My friend got on a roll with those. Maybe it just feels grand rolling off the tongue. The first seven hundred times anyway.) And then I went to a friends farewell, (Good luck Elder Bunker! Go gain weight. :p And speak Tongan! It's pretty cool stuff, but crazy to think that my friends are going on missions and getting married.)

And now you're caught up.

Back to work, folks.

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