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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yummy delicious Sunday Cheese bread

Yes dears, I cooked. Baked. Whatever.
I made cheese bread.
And it was delicious.

And it reminded me how I'm slightly delusional in my imaginings of eating normal healthy food in college. Remember how no one can ever afford that stuff? Yeah. Delusional. But I can dream can't I? So I'm putting together a recipe book and any cheap recipes are much welcomed.
Thank you for your time and money. (Long ago favorite quote of the Barton cousins and I. We're nuts. What can we say? "Flying frogs.... UNITE!" :P)


  1. you are just too cute!

    ps. you should follow my blog too!!! we can be blog buddies.

  2. I would send you recipes but all my good ones are already online at Seriously I don't cook anything that isn't easy to make, so it's nice! Your Sunday cheese bread sounds deeeeelish!
