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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Ssssssuuuummer tiiiiimmmeee!!!!

Yeah. The extra letters thing... so annoying right? :p

Catch up time!:

Friday? Oh yeah, that was my awesome, 'Chill with Moo Moo in St of the George! Sunny afternoon of giggles, dancing embarrassingly in Hollister because the man working there was temporarily invisible. Applying, sniffing and then washing off lotions in Bath and Body just to start the whole process over again... healthy lunch in Target so we still feel like shopping. (Have you ever noticed that the whole burger and fries lunch sorta dampers your try on cute clothes vibes? Yeah. Hence the yummy veggies and fruity yogurt with granola. And a smoothie. Yum. Tastes better anyway.) Finding about a bajillion pairs of pants for half of what the first finds costed. (My cousin loves me. No, she's in love with me. Says her. I'm not even making this up to make my rep a little more cushy. Cross my heart.) Then Costco was, as always, grand. Attractive fellows peddling free samples of fizzy pop stuff. ("Excuse me sir, yes you. Your chapstick looks absolutely tantalizing, got a free sample for me? What? Oh no, we won't need the tube, I was thinking a little more fresh"-winks- haha) "Shoot! I forgot conditioner!" "You mean besides the bonus bottle with the shampoo?" "That doesn't count" "Sure it does, go to Wal Mart, it's almost the same. It'll count as bulk plus the bonus bottle deal..." "..."

Yes, cousins are great. And escaping Cedar for a day... fabulous. Then going to Deseret Book to browse for fun and coveting purposes (irony? Haha) and finding a clearance sale. Shannon Hale? Grand author... I'll let you know how this book goes. And Stephani Smith... I like her. I have a new CD. Yeah, so I was naughty. I spent money. I was gonna lose my mind. It's like that movie, "Confessions of a shopaholic". Minus the attractive man in the end. Although, I haven't reached the end yet. So who knows!

Yesterday? Work. Cleanage. Fun stuff right? The necessities of life... tis true.

Today? Nursury haha... I love those cuddly drooly occasionally screamy beasts. :p Cute little girls with gorgeous eyes who bond with you solely because you can open those blasted plastic things that have fruit snacks in them. :) And cute baby high fives and puzzle doing and playing cars... it's grand.

Good Sabbath all... Until next time I blog... here's a random quote for the post:
"I own them! I have the right to like them more than you." "Ya but I can covet them!" "Well good. Break those..... er....." "Commandments?" "Yeah, those." haha. Love you all. Yes, you.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! I haven't gone shopping forever and now I want to. And you've inspired me to eat a healthy lunch ;)
