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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Little spots of sunshine...

Work Stinks. On many different figurative and literal levels.

Which is why cute little old men make me giggle. Especially when I take their order and their reply is, "Oh, who could want anything more after that smile? Gorgeous!" Haha. It secretly makes my day. Or the little grandpa man who said my eyes are the most beautiful he's ever seen. Maybe they're a little senile, but I'm taking them as compliments. Perfectly sane, rational compliments. :p Yup, they're my bright spot of sunshine in the nasty gloomy abyss of work.

That and trainees. Now I know how everyone felt when I was hired. (Oh wait. They still feel that way. Oh well.)

Seriously though, folks, if any of you want to help me find magic treasure or a pot of gold at the end of a few rainbows... that would be nice. Because quite frankly- I'm ready to blow a gasket with this constant work stuff. Really. I'm pretty much done with it.
Minus the fact I really want to move out and into my cute apartment next year.

Ugh. (Grumble grumble) Guess I'll stick it out.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, cute old people give you compliments, those were the cutest thing! That makes my day too. Sorry you work so much... Being an adult kind of stinks sometimes. The cute apartment will be worth it!
