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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Strangeness in the night...

So last night I fell asleep with the weirdest combination of songs going through my head: 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' from Mads, and 'Over it' by Katherine McPhee. This morning I woke up with 'Waking up in Vegas' by Katy Perry. Who knew 1+1=3? :p

Also this morning when I woke up(via wake up call by Megan and Riley) I was presented with three red roses and a note with an Aesop's Fable. I'm assuming it's from the boy in my french class that I sluffed with yesterday. (Along with another guy and another girl. We watched 'Winnie the Pooh' :p It was rather quite grand. And then I was trying to figure out a nice way, and convincing excuse to have to go home when his little sister decided to teach me how to play 'Giant tac-toe'. It's interesting how when you play games with five year olds, all the rules change and it suddenly becomes completely impossible to win. :p) The Fable note thing was something along the lines of 'he who tries to please everyone, pleases no one'. Which he told me yesterday too. I can't decide if there's a hidden message or hint in there though. Like, "Please just forget everyone else and please me by asking me to sweethearts" or something like that. Cause I could totally picture him saying that. Oh well. More roses to add to the collection I guess.

So much for sleeping in forever this morning. :( Haha

1 comment:

  1. Oh, awkward high school hidden messages and drama. Fun times. You just brought back a fun memory of sluffing choir with a boy I had a crush on, going to his house and making waffles. Good times! Fun memories! Remember you'll always remember these times for the rest of your life (especially if you write them down in a journal of blog). Don't take high school and college dramas too seriously, but have fun and enjoy it while you're in this phase!
