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Sunday, June 20, 2010

I don't know about this growing up stuff...

I mean, it's all fun and games until you're called on to say the opening prayer in sacrament meeting.

All things considered I think I'd much rather move forward and oldward rather than back to youngster days and go through puberty all over again.

Also this weekend I went to Hatch and helped my dad separate cows and all that fun stuff for the cattle drive. Here's what I learned.

-There are five basic areas of adjustment to look forward to when I say "I do"
-Leaving a cell phone behind for a whole day feels glorious
-You never know who in your family was a 'Casanova' in their day ;p
-Sleep is much better when cuddling with giant teddy bear, Oswald
-Even if Grandma isn't there cooking at Grandma's house, you still gain ten pounds
-Pero (ahem, hot chocolate) on a back porch under stars is more relaxing than Mrs. Smith's 'Color Blue' activity
-Hatch is as close to Heaven as I've ever been
-Green meadows and blue cloudless skies are delicious.
-Manure, cows, and horse is as fresh of air you'll ever breathe
-There's something about being on the back of a horse and feeling it's strength that's beautiful and healing.
-If you pet Moqui and whisper random stuff about your life to her, she'll stand still long enough to block the gate from cows trying to squeeze past.
-Calves, although tiny and adorable, can kick pretty hard.
-Time with my daddy was much needed.
-Rex doesn't jostle sore bums as much as Lulu, and he inspires you to gallop (though, not into a wooded glen this time Er, sorry. ;p) even though that kinda scares you on any other horse.
-Sandwiches with family taste better than sandwiches at Subway
-Mom's coconut cookies taste like fresh bakery cookies after sitting in a warm truck
-Breakfast in the cabin makes me smile
-I absolutely love my family and wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING
-(Oh, and I discovered there's a part of me that feels selfish and isn't sure that I'm gonna want to share all this awesome 'thinking alone time' in Hatch with future Mr. Hubby. I'm sure my mind will change rather quickly on that subject once I've found him though, but it'll never ever be the same. Which is bittersweet. Life is bitter sweet.)

Also I'm working on uploading pictures... Disneyland, B's baptism, and other such miscellaneousness. I discovered my laptop has an SD card reader. Which is perfect since I've lost every mode of transporting pictures from my camera to computer otherwise. :p I'm a loser, what can I say? But I'm the best loser you'll ever meet! ;)


  1. OH so very very precious! I feel so famous being mentioned in your blog. Go me!

  2. I loved all the memories about Hatch you just mentioned. What a wonderful place. I love it there! The best place to just slow down and ponder a little. Ahhh, I miss it. (And in defense of your future Mr. Right, when you find the right guy, you enjoy having quiet alone time, together. I've always thought that if you're really close with someone you don't have to fill up the space with words and you can just be quiet together and think your own thoughts, without it being awkward. I LOVED bringing Klane to Hatch for the first time when we were dating.)

  3. Congratulations on completing one of life's important rites of passage - praying in Sacrament Meeting! Let me just say that those of us who are observing your "growing up" stuff are enjoying the vicarious ride. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being you.
