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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

True... Most people only post once a day

But what you do not know is that I am in fact- NOT most people.

So I blog multiple times a day. Just for fun. And it is most definitely fun. :)

I just wanted to say hip hip hooray for summer. Autumn is wonderful and probably my favorite season mostly just because something about the sun being at a new angle makes me feel wrapped in a golden blanket and it has a smell all of its own. It makes me feel like a character in a cliche romance utopic novel. And I absolutely love it.

On the other hand...

Summer has this feeling to it. It's letting go of the string of a balloon and watching it soar to the clouds. It's vivid blue and grassy green. It's barbeque in the air and chlorine that you can't quite ever wash off. It's sunburns and no makeup. It's wavy hair and snowcones in the heat of the afternoon. Summer is driving with the radio up and windows down- Just breathing in life. Summer is working too much and playing even more. It's waking up at five just to smile and roll over knowing you can sleep for hours more. It's showering and getting ready- just so you can have the satisfaction all to yourself of looking cute. It's laughing with friends under the stars and boy bands that all sound the same. :)


For some reason this summer seems more alive to me. Maybe it's because of the transition and all... maybe it's just because of all the water that's gone under the bridge from last year to this one. Whatever it is- I like it. I feel so here and now. Sure, the future seems big and scary, and sometimes the past is frustrating... but right now is ok. It's ok to live and to smile and to not worry and have fun. (Shh... don't tell, but I even believe its ok to procrastinate. Within reason. ;P)

Oh yeah. So the point of this post. We- being Erin and I- went to Snap tonight... I got one of those under your ribs air pockety cramp things... and my thighs nearly started a fire. And I realized I probably could've shaved before lifting arm weights in front of public... But it felt so good! It felt good to sweat and stink and be healthier. This endorphin thing is sort of addicting.
After that we jammed in the car... yeah. Like the embarrassing spaz dance with the face contortions and everything. And singing at the top of your lungs- like shower diva singing. It was incredible. ;) We should definitely go pro. And people stared and laughed at us and guess what? I didn't even care! It made me wanna be even weirder actually. So ya know what? I did. Surprise surprise huh. It's not like I'm defiant or anything.

Wanna know the best part of the night? Finding sprinklers and running through them. Again and again... and again. Until all the water made me remember I needed to find a powder room. Stinkin bladder. Ruins all the sprinkler fun huh. But still.

Tonight was like ice cream on a hot day in Disney Land.

Yeah. It was that good.

(Even though we worked like... six hours at ST. Basically that's as good as a death wish. Just sayin.)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new blog design. And I loved loved loved this post! You described summer so accurately and beautifully and wonderfully. Sign. I love it.
