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Saturday, September 10, 2011

A word of advice:

If ever you really feel like you don't want to do something (that is good for you), then you should probably definitely do it. There's usually really good quotes in books/scripture you don't feel like reading at the moment, or something touching in a song or talk you don't want to listen to.
Basically, quit being stubborn and let life be awesome! ;)

So, how was that for a different preface? I figured you were all getting bored of me by now. ('you' is being used in the assumption that anyone reads this thing. Although I know I've got at least one reader I can count on and her name is cute Grammie Marilyn whom I love very much! :D )

I was reading in a book called The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox (which I definitely recommend. A little repetitive, but in gospel literature, repetitive passages are usually the most important concepts that we're too stupid to learn if we only read it once. ;) It's very thought provoking, in that the atonement is more than just repentance. (Duh, I know. But I'm retarded sometimes and I take a minute to catch up.) He talks a lot about redemption too. Anyway. Let's not get me on a soap box or I'll be here all night and I work in the morning.)
"Only Jesus has the power to create a mighty change by educating our desires and turning our hearts away from evil and toward Him. In a game of darts, we may not hit the bull's- eye every time. However, we stand a better chance when we aim at the target and not the opposite wall."

Moral of the story: A lot of times we're stubborn and defiant and all sorts of opposite wall behavior. Can't we just learn already and turn around? It's right there. Happiness and peace galore. Sound fun, doesn't it? :)

Also because I'm lame and dying to talk to people about my funny work stuff- you're stuck with more quote/story time.

"My get up and go just got up and went." - Betty, my favorite southern accented interp volunteer. :) She's teaching me all sorts of new phrases from the south, and is determined to teach my how to swivel my hips. I'm telling you, rangers are odd. :p But lovable. (Who knew?)

A man and his wife came in wearing clothes for riding bicycles, and I was having a not so positive moment so I was looking for things to compliment. Hey! Why not their biker shirts?
The woman thanked me, and then informed me her husbands was the fertility god.
.... Umm..... yeah. Awkward moment in life?

A lady who I complimented on her turquoise ring that looks JUST like my Mesa Verde, Grandma Theora inspired one: "We have great taste! If you ever want to come raid my closet, you're more than welcome!" ... We were about the same size... hmm... :)

I told a French man you're welcome in french. (Occasionally I feel daring and dangerous so I sling my poor french out there. "You speak french?"
"Very little." Smile, tell him the grand total of like... four phrases I remember.
"Je vous aime" (I apologize for slaughtered spelling)
Puzzled look from me...
"I love you!" (Sounds more like, "I yuv you!"
"Oh! ... I'll have to remember that one." Smile like we have an inside joke, but I've got more people in line so feel special and maybe remember you're in a hurry to hit Bryce Point, of which I'm a duchess of. *(More info later.)
"You'll remember me." Grins mischievously, then links arms with his wife and waddles off into the sunset.
Haha, oh elderly men.
Also, I apologize for the ADD quality of that story.

(* My pretend twitterpation victim texted me a little the first of the week. Mostly I'm too lazy to tell you the conversation again, but there was discussion of baby pumpkin hand grenades being a skewed perception of war, and being born in the wrong time eras because he wants to wear snazzy clothing and side around in mafia cars (I know. Keeper, right?) and I'm stuck in regency dreaming. Which he said he could see, and then went off to describe Shannon, Duchess of Bryce Point- with hair flowing, yet uppity. When I figure out what exactly that means, I'll have to do my hair like that to test the waters. :p Anyway. We also had a seriousish conversation (unfortunately via text) about the gospel and such. He said he'd make it a point to call me next time to talk because texting is over rated. (Again. Keeper, right?) Just thought I'd fill you in.)

Also, I finally went on a date with the Cute Lawn-mower boy that Cherene, My Aunt has been telling me about for years. :p
Kite flying at Park Discovery? Check.
Being pressured into riding a long board (albeit tandem, gripping the back of his blue t-shirt that made his gorgeous blue eyes stand out and feeling retarded...) Check.
SUU Athlete Meet and Greet?(Sounded lame, kinda was... oh well. :p) Check.
Swing Club? (Spontaneity? Hmm... Gold star?) Check!
- (Me stinking at dancing?) Double Check.
Sodas and conversation at Brads? Check!
And for the finale we totally visited Aunt Cherene and Kris! (And Jennifer, but she was really absorbed in a scrabbleish game on her iPad. :) )

Back to work stories and quotes. (No big deal. I don't have ADD... maybe. Parents, maybe we should have me tested. Call Sylvan, just in case.)

So last night I closed by myself, and it gets REALLY painfully slow at times. I'm sure I could have found more productive stocking or something, but I have a confession and that is: I didn't. I had my Conference edition of the Ensign there and I just wanted to read and be un-grumpy. (Are you catching on that it's a major theme of my life? Grumpy... oh fine. I'll read something spiritual. :p Ok, so that's not entirely how it goes, I really do enjoy reading about the gospel and learning more... but I am grumpy far too often. Which is why it's on the "To be fixed" list.) A rather tall man came in, and I smiled and pretended I was happy to be there ringing up his purchases. After I handed him the receipt he glanced at the counter and smiled,
"You are a member too!"
I'll admit. I'm not sure what to say or where to go after the, "Yes I am!" and smile... it's a work in progress.
He went on to tell me how cool it is to go to church here because there are 'like 300 people at church', whereas in the Czech Republic there are more like 50. So we visited for a moment and when he turned to leave he grinned at me, "It is good to meet you."
I have no clue what his name is, or what his story is... and he knows nothing beyond I'm a troll looking employee at a National Park who reads the Ensign. But I felt warm and loved and happy.
Isn't that so cool? The gospel makes random tall guys from the Czech Republic my friend in all of three seconds.

Also, I got a photo document mailer the other day... from my pen pal guy in Montana. Gorgeous pictures, kinda dramatic when he's in them... but hey. Whatever floats his photo-shooting boat right?

Oh! Totally got fat at work last night. Truly.

(Just thought I'd rub that in. Take that skinny people! Yeah, those are Rollo's.)


  1. HAY SHANNON ! That is not fair to post a picture of that delishous treat that looks soooo yummy. It is late at night when gramps and I somtimes get the munchies and no treats are availaable..... I loved your comments on the book. Maybe i will read it again. I tend to forget quite quickly some of the things I read. Anyway I loved reading your blog. You are the best!!! You are having some great experiences. Stay beautiful and sweet. Love you tons.......Gram

  2. I read your blog too!! Every post! (Sorry I don't always comment. Subway tunnels with no cell service make commenting quite difficult sometimes.) BUt I do love this blog and I love the stories you tell, both the work ones and church ones, oh and the boy ones too. Check check check.
