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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Drum roll please...

Happy New Year!!! 

Well Ladies and Gents, I believe I've found it. My word for 2011. I've blogged about the whole "word of the year" thing a couple of times before, but just as a refresher course:
It's awesome. I highly recommend it, and in my opinion it's much better than a gigantor list of resolutions. So for me, the word theme of the year has sort of replaced the unrealistic, set up for disappointment, resolutions. :) And that has made me one happy girl, let me tell you. :p Last year was a rather dynamic year; the epitome of a roller coaster, if you will. So much happened, and passed under the bridge. I lost old friends, found new ones, and put distance between unhealthy ones. I learned from mistakes, and found the courage to make me into the woman God intends me to be. Well, at least set me on that path. Heaven knows I've got one heck of a hike before I reach the final product. :) Last year's word, courage, was so involved in my life and year that I've been stressed out beyond all reason trying to think of a word that could fill the shoes of courage. I decided, though, that it isn't a replacement word. It's a level word. They'll just continue to build on each other throughout my life. (And by that I mean I think I'm going to make this into a tradition that my future family is going to do as well. :) I guess it really touched me. Plus I'm unreasonably sentimental, so it works!)
So level two, for the year of 2011 (can you even believe it's really 2011? That sounds so... "Meet the Jetson's" ish, doesn't it?) is:


In dictionaries it says that determination is a noun, a firmness of purpose, or resolve. But at this point, my word is a verb. It's that little blobish man climbing over the wall :p, it's an act. Not a state. Not yet, anyway. 
One of my old young women leaders posted this on her blog, but I thought it was really good (and mildly funny, making this a grand combination and a 'must add' for my blog. ;p). 

Happy New Year's everyone! Good luck in whatever your resolutions are, in whatever you do, and wherever you go! "Peace and Blessin's" to you all. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay! I love your word for 2011! And it makes me so happy to hear how your 2010 word had such a great impact on your life this last year. That is great.
