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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm stealing this idea from Karlee before I take a nap. Erm. I mean "Come what May"

"The game: Put your ipod on shuffle and answer all of the following questions with the title to the song that comes up. Only shuffle once....don't cheat!"

And thus it began. Karlee's blog is far more artsy and fun to look at... but I'm a lazy feeling sickly bum. And therefore mine is boring. :)

Here we go!

My friends see me as: Ain't going down 'til the sun comes up
What describes your personality: Angry (bahaha)
What is your life purpose: Halucinations
What do you think of the person you like: One more Sad Song
My message to the world has always been: Dixieland Delight
What's the worst that could happen to you: When I go out I want to go out on a Chariot of Fire
My best friend is like: Leave out all the rest
My alter-ego is: Sweet Baby James (hehe)
One thing I regret: Dani California
My innermost desire is: Snow (hey oh)
What makes me laugh: All You Need Is Love 

What makes you cry: Let's fall to pieces together
What will you say at your wedding: My Way (hahaha)
My deepest secret is: Crack a Bottle (oops? :p)
If I reached the top of Mount Everest, what I would scream: Stupid Boy!
If you could go back and change one thing it would be: Obvious (duh, haha)
The story of my life is: Hot n' Cold :)
At my funeral they’ll play: Wake me up when September ends (Ha!)
When I’m drunk I say: Take your fingers from my hair
Behind my back, my friends think I’m: Dear Old Shiz (Bahahaha!)
If I got lost on a desert island, I would yell: Not the Only One! (Ironic?)
When I’m in the shower, I sing: Great Escape
My love of life was inspired by the song: It was a very good year. (Oh, was it?)
High school was like: So What?
My family is described by the song: Pirates of the Carribean (Hehe good thing I love those guys, right?) 
How will you die: Meant to live (haha another ironic one)
To cheer myself up I: We will rock you

What will you post this as: Come what May

Well. Now that we've learned a few things like Shannon's music is crazy random and my family is a bunch of Pirates (Arr!) I'm taking a nap. :P My posting duties have been sated for the day


  1. Love your new theme, your funny posts and your cute little personage all the way around. You are such a fun one! Hope you got Justins address. I am sure he loves to hear from you!
