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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Ho. Ly. Garbage.

Do you ever have moments in life where all you can do is shake your head and say, 
That's all. Just wow. 

Eventually I'm counting on everything making sense... but that probably won't be until I'm eighty and reminiscing. But until then I'm really thankful for family (specifically parents that I kidnap and kick other sisters out for one on one time... and sometimes, they even let me get away with it! ;p) (Wait. I can't just specify parents... there have been some fun sister moments since I moved home too! Ok, ok. Just family in general.)

Also, times like these call for watching past seasons of "The Biggest Loser" (right after I've had ice cream, no less) and realizing that it could be worse. Jillian could be screaming in my face, and America could be watching me throw chubby fits. 
(But seriously, that show makes me cry! At least whatever season we watched does. One lady grew up thinking her mom didn't love her and watching her mom shoot up on heroin until she over dosed. Another woman lost her husband, five year old daughter, and baby boy in one car accident because some idiot was driving 100+ mph. Holy cow!! How do people survive??)

Anywho. This wasn't a very positive post, I'm sorry. Promise I'll work on my Pollyanna skills again. Tomorrow. ;)

(P.S since Wal-Mart is playing Christmas music, I figured it's ok to start my wish list. I'd like this bookmark please. :) )

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweet Shannon, So glad you are home and enjoying family. There really is no place like home...... By the way I need some time with you soon to work on favors for the thanksgiving table.... It will be so much fun !!! And could you tell me please where we could find such a charming book mark???? Love you soooo much...Gram......
