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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Catch up of the century! Just kidding... but seriously.

Here it is guys...
First of all, here's all the pictures I need to catch up on:
(DISCLOSURE: You're obviously allowed to laugh and make fun, since this is America, land of the giggle at whatever tickles your fancy- although seriously that's starting to change with all the politically correctness and suing over everything madness. Oh America- but I think maybe you should all pretend that I'm really not a total freak and limit your poking fun to a minimum. But, once again, it's America, land of laugh it up chuckles.)

This is sick Shannon. This is the picture Tyler so kindly saved of sick Shannon. :p That boy... ;)
This is how I spent a few mornings... drinking liquefied breakfasts since swallowing was a beast, and emailing and calling professors so I wouldn't fail life again.

Story of the sick week. My room was a medicinal disaster basically.

Then I started feeling better so I made dough so Tyler and I could have a homemade pizza date... and he teased me about my Kitchen control freak disease and so I let him do the rest: (see pictures below. :p)

We... erm. He stuffed the crust. I was the official sous chef, who did very well at keeping her control freak mouth shut while Tyler did the chefly duties. If I may say so myself...

Tyler's method of spreading the dough out was sorta like... karate chop massage technique. Yup. He's going into Physical Therapy. Haha

This one's just because I think he's cute. :)

... Yeah, this one's another one of those "just because I think he's cute" ones. :D

(Hehe :D) this is how Tyler spent the spans of time while different things were baking or rising or whatever-ing. It's the game show channel, which oddly enough is pretty much the only one we watch at our apartment. I think it's so funny, we're like this little old lady group that gets all kinds of into the game shows and maybe possibly even yell at the screen sometimes. (In our defense, it totally helps. :p)

Tada! Tyler's masterpiece. Not too shabby, eh?

This one's because I felt cute on Valentine's day. :p (Also, I love borrowing earrings... especially cool ones! Erm... Miss, I'll bring those back soon. Heh heh?)

So once upon a time I thought it'd be kinda cool to make the wax seals on my V-day letter to Tyler. (Because Gerard Butler is a swoon worthy person to emulate when it comes to romance.) (In case that last comment went  over your head, watch Phantom of the Opera. You'll understand.)

Tyler gave me a bunch of different clues to find him for dinner, this one was my favorite probably. :)

Valentine's day morning, after I went to class, he came back and made my bed (boy style), and put about 12039808 badrillion paper hearts everywhere. :p

So I brought him lunch to the Library. People looked at me like  I was a retard for carrying a plate and glass of milk... and I burned my arm... but it's all in the name of love, right? (Yup. Gasp. I just said the L word.)

This is Tyler trying to decipher my love note later that evening. (Ya know the ones where you put the page number, the number of lines down, and the number of words into a sentence? So the word love ends up looking something like 69-12-5 on the paper? Yup. I wrote him a whole letter of that goodness. :) Mwahaha!)

This was the romantic beverage of choice that was partaken of while Tyler was being a valentine's sleuth.

I still need to get the other pictures from dinner off of Tyler's camera (because for some odd reason I didn't think about dragging along all sorts of memory preserving equipment on the wild goose chase to dinner.)
(Which I will now tell you about.)

So by the pictures you pretty much know the day portion of Valentine's day. I got up, went to class (looking hideous in sweats) came home to Tyler's sweet gesture of making my bed, got ready... for a couple hours. So I'd be extra cute. (What is it with us girls anyway. Birthdays are just birthdays, Valentine's Day is just Valentine's Day... what makes us think we're obligated to spend an extra hour trying to look extra cute on such occasions? Because chances are if we've got a significant other that's worth being significant... they think we're cute enough on regular days. In fact, I'd venture to say that most of the time none of our guys even notice the extra two hours we spend on hair and/or makeup. Girls. What nonsense. :p)
Then I made lunch, took it to Tyler, studied after he went to class... went back home, wrote up the letter that took more energy on my part than his... so much for making it super difficult for him. :)
Then I waited.
And waited, and waited
and waited.

Finally, when I thought I was going to spontaneously combust from lack of patience... I got a text that said to go outside my front door... so I did. And what do ya know? A flower in a balloon. Very Beauty and the Beast style I would say. :p The balloon told me to go to his apartment in ten minutes.
(Ten minutes later)
I knock on the door of A10, and Trevor, Tyler's little brother, says that Tyler isn't home... but he left this (holding up an envelope), I guess you can read it. Ha. Thanks Trev. The note said:

Sorry, I had to run to the store and get something... meet me in front of the statues at the plaza in five? 

Really? He just left me like that? Oh well, I suppose. At this point, defiance was setting in. Majorly. So I think to myself, Five minutes? Please. I'm walking right this very second. 
I justified it by walking slow. 
At the plaza, as suspected, Tyler was nowhere to be seen. I started to look around for a camera sticking out of a bush or something, because he thinks it's quite entertaining to capture basically everything on film. Especially dramatic, gullible, animated Shannon's reactions to all his cute gestures. (Like the time he wrote "I love you" in the snow under my balcony and videoed me coming out to see it. :p He was hiding around a corner, so all I saw was this camera and a hand sticking out from the edge. What a fruit. A really cute, thoughtful fruit. :D)
Alas, there were no hands with cameras hiding around corners this time. Not even a nose and two eyes poking up above a window sill from the Library. I looked everywhere. 
So I did what I do best. I became impatient.
And I texted him.
But before he could text me back reminding me that the note said in front of the statues... I found this note! Stuck to one of the statues hands... which has sentimental, awkward value. (On our first date we had a picture scavenger hunt and when we posed with the statues, I didn't notice the rather inappropriate placing of the statues hand on me. I've been a joke ever since.)
So I giggled, and read:

Sorry, I guess you missed me again! Go around to the south side of the Library, there's a staircase. Meet me on the balcony.

Um, how stinkin cute is all this?? (Maybe I'm biased... but I think it sounds novel worthy. I'm just sayin', I'm a lucky duck. :D)
Once I'd slipped all over the ice on my short cut (once again, I'm an impatient individual. Could I really just walk all the way around on the sidewalk? Of course not!) I caught a glimpse of twinkly light type stuff. 
There were candles lining the railing all the way to the top of the staircase! (This is the part where I totally steal Angie's line, "Oh the heart palpitations! Oh the romance!" Haha. I quite possibly giggled like a little school girl at this point.)

When I got to the top, there was Mr. Handsome, and a candle lit dinner. :D Complete with a Teddy Bear holding a heart, and some cute music playing. I just have to brag, I'm sorry. My boyfriend is sort of amazing. :D (I might be in love a little bit. :D) (Ooh. Maybe I shouldn't post such things on the internet... but considering the fact that my family spreads news like wildfire about this... I assume anyone reading this already knows these twitterpated feelings of mine.)
It was one of the cutest, most freezing dinners I've ever eaten. :)

The End.


I'm too lazy to explain the last four days, so I'll just sum up. :p 
For President's weekend, I went with Tyler's family to their Grandparent's cabin and played in the snow for the break. It was basically wonderful. :D I'm telling you... this man is pretty awesome. He's gotta stop tripping me because I keep falling for him. :p (Aha! Cheesy joke. Gotta love it. :p)
We four-wheeled, and snow mobile-d, and made snow angels and flew off of sleds into lots and lots of feet of powder, and they snowboarded (I get to learn next time :) ) and we talked and laughed and watched cutesy movies, and maybe even cuddled. (Maybe even smooched!)
It was soooo much fun! His family are some of the nicest people I know! His mom is awesome, haha she wouldn't let the girls do too much of the cleaning because she "feels it's very important for [her] boys to know how to clean well". That's my kinda woman! Haha, she's on top of this all boys and one girl family thing. And she's ridiculously nice.
It was really such a perfect break, because I got away from school and a messy apartment and learning to be patient with roommates (yes roommates that read this, let's face it. :) We all have to be patient with each other. We're doing pretty good at it too I might add. :P) and not really being able to sleep... I forgot about all of that! I felt great, and so happy and content, it was ridiculous. I loved it! (Thanks Tyler and Berry Family!)

The End.

(Again, almost.)
P.S, for the record, I deleted my facebook account. Well, actually I deactivated it. So I assume if I get too hard up and can't handle the withdrawals I can reactivate it, but that would defeat my whole purpose.
I decided that Facebook was not helping my prioritizing goals, and that it really is sort of ridiculous. Nearly every time I get on it, I'm just as bored on facebook as I am off of it. So why not get rid of one of technology's communication inhibitor?
There's my justification. :p

Now, it's the end.
(For real this time.)


  1. Dear Shannon. I totally got your POTO reference.:) Also your Valentines story is absolutely novel worthy...heck its swoon-worthy!
    However, how dare you deactivate your Facebook account. How am I supposed to keep up with your life? And send you random Spongebob quotes and flair?! Needles to say, I am not amused.

  2. Oh your Valentine's Day sounded sooo cute! And I'm glad you took a picture of yourself because you looked totally gorgeous, and I did love the feather earrings.

    I love hearing about all your fun stuff with Tyler, especially because it reminds me so much of when Klane and I were dating! Good times! And we said "I love you" after three months of dating, so I am thinking it's about the right time you were using the L word too! (wink wink!) Haha.

  3. Wow Tyler treats you so AMAZING! I say he is a keeper Shan. ;-) Also way cool about deleting facebook, no joke I kind of laughed at it because this week I also deleted mine! Great minds think alike? I think yes! Love you girl!
