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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Phone picture post!

This trip home has been a fun one for sure! (Even if we are all sickies. :p Gotta love cold season, right?)
From visiting old teachers and getting a tour of the remodeled high school from Erin, to making suckers and pretzel/kiss treats... it's been a good trip! I absolutely love coming home and feeling unconditionally loved, and all the new dynamics to family relationships since moving out. It's exactly what the doctor orders after long weeks trying to understand and not just memorize the medical terminology flash cards, and trying to figure out what in the world is going on in my Chemistry class. Oh how I love hard classes and their homework. :p (My roommate Sami brought up a valid point the other day though, she said in her tough classes that are frustrating because they seem non applicable to life, she just has to remind herself that at least she's learning something and the things we learn here go with us into eternity. I'm gonna have to view it as a head start on the eternal learning list or something. :p)
Also, driving around in my dad's truck that Tyler wrote all over has been entertaining, to say the least. Family comments, (such as, "Isn't that your dad's truck? Who thinks he has a nice bum?" or "Since this is my truck, does that mean Tyler loves me?"- That one, of course, is from my dad. :p) and the expressions on fellow driver's faces have kept me smiling constantly! :p
So, enough of my boring rambling, here's some pictures! :)
(Sorry they're horrid quality, I forgot my camera and so they're from my phone...)
I tried to make the words stand out, but if you still can't read it, it says, "I love you". :) When I saw it from the outside I decided I was dating a dyslexic... then I got in my truck and figured out the method to his madness. :p

This one I 'professionally' edited because I think it might be a crazy thing to post someone else's phone number on the www. I mean, posting your own is bad enough but someone else's?? 

Ok, so this has nothing to do with Tyler's love notes, but I had to post this... I left my drink in the truck for a few hours on an especially cold day, and POOF! What do ya know? I got a pop-sickle out of the deal. ;)

Moving on to the confectionery slides :p

Non confectionery, but Bri took this one of me and Grammie Marilyn (who is really focused on a picture book at the moment.) :D Also, Brianne took the picture with this frame so I couldn't get it off. But at least it's Valentine's-y and festive!

Breakfast smoothie mustaches! (Brianne and I slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's cedar house, really it was so fun to have some 'quality time' with those two. I love them more than a bushel and a peck!)

Stone Henge! (Candy corn edition!)

Cutesy Valentine's sugar cookies. Grandma M's are much better than "Granny B's" cookies. Hands down, any day.

I promise, these are my reason for gaining thirty pounds this weekend.
Some of the suckers cooling in their molds, I can't remember when this started being a tradition, but I'm really glad it is! How cool is it that we make suckers with my Grandma every year? :)


  1. cute post! it all look like fun, except for the getting sick part.

    P.S. I tagged you on my blog because you're so awesome. You should check it out ;)

  2. So happy to see these pictures. I talked with gram about your plans to get together and make suckers this weekend. Now I am seeing it fulfilled! So fun.

  3. Ha ha! I ate the stones and Mason ate the Henge. (Does that even make sense in real life?) WEll, I like your posts! Keep posting!
