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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today I'm grateful for...

Tender Mercies... Truly. Sometimes I let that idea escape me- the one that entails Heavenly Father always looking out for me and giving me little pick me ups to help me make it through my days. :)
Today hasn't been awful, don't get me wrong, but there were a few speed bumps, and emotional moments. (I blame that one on genetics. We're all excellent cry-ers in my family. :p)
I had my "Miracle of Forgiveness" class at the institute today, which I love. Absolutely adore, in fact. However, President Kimball didn't waste any time on flowery words, and therefore the lessons are the kind that sort of make me feel like I'm going to Hell. But as long as it's the motivating guilt, I'm ok with that... bring it on! (Right?) After today's lesson on sins of omission, I felt really overwhelmed and maybe even kinda (cringe) failure-ish. So I walked over to the library, trying to brush away the discouraged feelings and focus on studying and remembering everything for my Medical Terminology test- and then "Grammie" Marilyn called. :) For about two seconds I was worried about spending time on the phone rather than in the books, but when I heard what she had to say I was sooooo grateful that she called. :) She just reassured me that I'm doing just fine and that she and Grandpa love me. (Who doesn't automatically feel better after your Grandma tells you that? :) Truly. Who??) She told me to just be my 'sweet self' and people won't be able to help but love me.
Now, I'm not so sure about that, because I personally think I'm a wee bit of a handful sometimes... but it was exactly what I needed right then. Hearing that and remembering that I've got people "back home" that care about me no matter where I go made my day! So a few tears later I finished studying and took my test. 
(But I still feel warm fuzzies thinking about it. :) I'm so grateful for the tender mercies in life... seriously, if you stop to think about it you'll realize they're everywhere!)
Love you Gram! Thank you for being the sweet angel of a grandma that you are! 

(I love this picture and whoever took it! :p This was from the cookout we had for Father's Day.)


  1. I like this post. :) I felt like it....connected...?...with me? (For lack of better words heehee). Grammy Marilyn is wonderful. what would we do without her?! Keep enjoying college and learning and having fun!! Love ya!!

  2. I try to call Grammie fairly often (once a week, ish?) just to soak up some of that bright sunshine she spreads. I love her. I always feel more calm and connected to what's most important in life after talking to her. Thank goodness for Grandma Marilyn!

  3. My mom and your grandma has got to be in the top 10 of darn near everyone's favorite people list. She's a sweetheart for sure!
