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Saturday, February 26, 2011

With facebook gone,

I can't handle posting only once per day, of course.  :p
Lately I've been people watching as I walk to and from classes, or from my balcony when I'm out here just thinking.
Sometimes watching makes me feel warm fuzzies and smile, but the past couple of days it just makes me sad, wondering what in the world is the world coming to?

For example.
Yesterday walking home from class, I passed a group of cute hispanic elementary-aged kids (which made me smile. Because you can't not smile at cute kids.) Then I heard what they were talking about.
"Guess what I did?" (His friends ignore him the first time, so he repeats his question a couple more times. I giggled a little at his childish excitement. I'm thinking he's going to say he got a 100% on a test, or got a new toy. Something along those lines, so imagine the very different feelings when he continued with,)
"I killed a deer. My mom crashed into it, so I got out of the car and I kicked it and said, '&#*$#$*@#$!!'." (Yup. I edited for your sensitive eyes.)

I seriously doubt this little guy really got out and kicked a deer to death, but it made me stop and think about how society is raising kids to be so comfortable with violence. Instead of it being something that you shy away from or realize is wrong, it's a bragging right. I think that's incredibly sad. I hear people bragging about hurting people or animals a lot more often than you'd think, actually. (And along that note I just saw some guy sprint after a stray dog. With a coil of rope in hand. Haha. Oh dear, college life. Boredom does strange things to us apparently.) A lot of my guy friends like to get really carried away with video games where the whole point is killing people until you find what you want. One of my friends was playing and Tyler and I were watching him.
"Woah dude! You just killed that woman!"
"She wouldn't shut up, she was in my way."
... Maybe I'm just in a really dramatic mood today, but to me that's kinda concerning.
It bothers me.

Example B- A guy in my apartment building has THE CUTEST little girl. She's probably 18 months, or so, and she's stinkin adorable. I just watched him set her in the front seat of his car and speed out of the parking lot. No car seats, no seat belts... no safety. No big deal? Goodness. It's scary how many young, single parents there are because they make mistakes and decide they can raise this child. A lot of times the situation forces them to grow up, but sometimes there are guys like the one who just plopped his daughter in the front seat and drove off like it was nothing. It makes me feel so sad for those kids, who didn't chose their circumstances, but have to cope with the consequences anyway. Sometimes this world seems like a sad place.

But, if you buy 4 'completos' it's only $4.00. (See "Kid History 3" :p)
No really, I was originally going somewhere with that "but". But we're so blessed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to have reassurance that the world isn't totally horrid. There are still lots of good people. And there's always hope.
That's my "I'm grateful for" of the day. I'm SO thankful my parents chose to be sealed in the temple, and that they've raised my sisters and me in the gospel. It's the foundation of my life, and some days it's the sole thing keeping me partially sane. :p I love it. :) Don't you?

Now. Since I've been sitting out on my balcony in the rain/snow/whateverthisweatherreallyis, I'm frozen. So I'm wrapping this up and going to take a nap or something equally lazy. :p

1 comment:

  1. I like that you posted about this. I do a lot of people-watching and noticing in New York, and there are definitely a lot of sad and/or scary things that go on. Sometimes I think "what is our world coming to?!" but then I'll see something totally redeeming, a cute family spending times together, etc. And I am just so grateful for the perspective the gospel brings. We are SO blessed!
