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Sunday, June 05, 2011

"Original Post Title"

My brain's melted. So I'm letting yours do the work. Feel free to pretend my title is something besides what it is.

So today I was sickly and I basically slept all day. Dreamed bizarre dreams... (Holding cute babies in our chapel except there was some Bollywood version of the Nativity story going on... and then the giant whirl pools and strange 'night hummingbirds' that were colored like the American flag. Complete with stars.) ate a bowl of cereal, and thought a lot.
Is it possible to be homesick for people? Or for how things used to be? Or who you used to be? (That's probably just called sentimental. Or nostalgic. I'm calling it people sick.)

No offense to Cedar, but mostly I'm just feeling really suffocated and really trapped. It's like being claustrophobic because too many people know you from high school. Haha. I just want to get out of here, because Ephraim let me have a clean slate with people who didn't hold me to who I was, or things I used to like, or whatever else. It's definitely possible to break expectations and go for something better, but it's for sure not easy.
Also, it's not always fun to adjust to being at home again. (Don't get me wrong, because of course I love my family, and I'm grateful for all their help and support. It's just hard to go from being in my own apartment with my own schedule and feeling like I'm making my own decisions, to being at home again. But, again. I would like to reiterate that I LOVE MY FAMILY! ;) For real, not just because this is on my blog. :p)

Tomorrow I've got the lesson for FHE, and it's on gratitude. Any thoughts? I feel like I preach to the choir because everyone's heard this stuff before, but I guess there's always re-learning. :) And that's some pretty important stuff. (But still. Any thoughts?)

Happy Sabbath everyone! Sorry this was a super random thought barf post...

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