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Thursday, June 16, 2011

sniffles, numbers, and a lame joke.

I just want you all to know I really enjoy having a cold in the summer. It's kind of really fun, and I've been so blessed with one.

... seriously? A cold in Summer? Geeze, pass the orange juice. :p

So, last night working at Subway was a total MADHOUSE! The entire three hours I was scheduled for (and the hour and 15 that I wasn't scheduled for) was a steady stream of people lined up to the door, and at least two cars in drive. Can you say stressed out? :p Chad only scheduled two of us... come on buddy, it's Summer Games! Help us out here. :)
Anywho... after feeling incredibly grumpy with snobby picky customers who took out their frustrations on us
(example A- woman in drive, tapping her fingers on her steering wheel and glaring at me through the window while I was making her sandwich, ringing her up and bringing it over. Sorry ma'am, I realize you have bags of ice melting in your back seat, but please realize I have seven thousand customers and my brain is just as melty as your ice.
example B- Woman in line, throwing a rather juvenile fit about us not having lettuce. Ma'am, write up a complaint, I'll get it to my manager. Since he's the one in charge of ordering. And since he's the one who scheduled only two of us. And since it's been crazy all day and we've ran out of everything and there's nothing else for me to do and I'm getting really peeved listening to your complaining through the whole line. See this smile? It's pretty forced ma'am. :p)
... shoot. Where was I going with this? Oh! After being grumpy about all the really nice people in the world who showed up at Subway and grouched at me, I spilled a large soda. Everywhere. So I had to make the person in drive wait while I mopped it up.
Woah! Double take? He was rather nice really great scenery. ;p
So, feeling rather frazzled, and having my reasoning impaired by fumes of lunch meats and pickles, I did what any girl would do. Giggled while I wrote my number on his receipt. Mwahaha!
Guess who texted? Yup. Mikey the cute boy who I gave my number to.
(My mom thinks I'm a knuckle head :p A very nice, very lovable one though of course, since she's my mom. "What if he's a murderer?" "Then I'll die a dramatic death! That's sorta what I need to go out, mom!" "Well, don't meet up with him unless it's broad daylight. With other people there. And maybe pepper spray." "... How about a large cleaver?" "Ok. ... Wait no, then he could cleave you in half!" Haha, it was a great conversation when I told her. You all should've been there. I giggled a lot.) Don't worry though, I plan to keep him at the safe distance of flirtatious texter buddy. I swear I won't give away any important information such as where I live. Or the color of my toothbrush.
(cough. yellow. cough) ... Shoot. :p

And now, just so I don't let you all down (or risk being accused of false advertisement,)
here is the lame joke:

What do you do with a dog that has no legs?
... Take him out for a drag. (Of course!)

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