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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Gotta love that feeling

Ya know, that one feeling that says you just had a friend stick up for you to all your other friends. Or that feeling that says you've finally found buffalo instead of ducks. That feeling that says you're being treated right by your current crush, and that it's actually a healthy relationship based on friendship. That feeling that says it's OK that you're stressed because you know it's part of the staircase to Success Mountain. That feeling that says you're so happy to see the growth and change in those you love. I absolutely love it! I loved being able to visit my family on Monday, and I loved the way I felt at home in Cedar. There's nothing like going back to a place that has changed little to see how you've changed in great amounts. It's marvelous! God is brilliant. The atonement is brilliant. His plan is brilliant!
Service is beautiful, scriptures are key, and love is the antidote to everything. (Really. It is. Not even in the cliche way. Because if we love ourselves, and if we love God... we understand the rest that has the power to help heal pain, avoid traps, and navigate life. Love IS the answer!)
Basically I just had to get that little bit of what I like to call, "On top of the World" syndrome out of my system. :p
Goodnight all, Have a phenomenal day! (No, no. Let's just go all out here. Have a phenomenal week!)

1 comment:

  1. This just made my morning all bright and cheery. Thanks! I am so happy for you! Keep on being the awesome girl you are and things will keep working in your favor.
