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Saturday, November 27, 2010

27 days and counting!!

So I'm back home. And by that I mean Ephraim. And oddly enough I'm jamming out to Elvis's Christmas music. It's... a new experience. I've never been much of an Elvis fan. There's only one king, and his name is George, thanks.

I got home about an hour before Karlee got here, and so I hit 'Wally World' to spend the 20 Cherene my aunt gave me (just so I could catch up to mama queen) on Christmas Decorations. I've seriously been ridiculous amounts of excited to get a little start for my future collection of decorations that are my very own. So I got a cute little Nativity, some window decorations and lights, a flower table arrangement, and a giant red bow to cover the ugly phone jack on our wall. :p I love it! I love my Nativity. It's cutesy.

Also, just to start the festivities of counting down to Christmas for real, I decided to start making my apartment, my 'home' if you will, smell like holidays too! So I made some apple crisp, and put my pumpkin spice candle on the warmer. I love it! I love feeling like a home-maker. I decided that although there are certain times when I rather quite loathe being a girl, I'm grateful for the privileges Heavenly Father gives me, as a woman. It's so fun! Creating and making things more... homey. It's just fun!

Sami and I just got back from Tangled and I've gotta tell you. I fell, and I fell hard.
I thought I was going to melt into a puddle on my seat! Between Mister Handsome animated, the storyline, and the adorable commentary coming from the tiny girl sitting behind us... it was just all melt-worthy! You've gotta see it, ok? Ok. It's settled. :)

I'm so happy that I've got the real Christmas story. My parents have always borne quiet testimonies in the way they've lived and treated life, that help me find for myself that it really is all about Christ. Sure, presents were always fun, but our family home evening lessons would be about baby Jesus. And you can't forget about Mr. Krugar's Christmas! (That one gets me all choked up every time. Without fail.)
I've been sitting here listening to Hymn-type Christmas music with my quilt drinking hot chocolate and looking at the cute decorations. (Yeah. I'm aware of my obsession. :p I'm going to decorators anonymous, so you needn't worry.) (Is "needn't" even a word?) Anyway. My point is. I'm sitting here freezing because I think our heater is broken... and I'm so happy! I just feel so full of light and warmth and bubbly happy feelings! So on the 27th day before Christmas I'm thankful for tears and pain. Yup. That's what I meant to say too. Because after experiencing sorrow, and stress... it makes moments like these seem like little handfuls of heaven.

(I was going to post pictures, but I'm feeling freezing and lazy. So I'll do that tomorrow. :p Happy Saturday to all, and to all a good night!)


  1. I love how you share your testimony on your blog in such a beautiful, open and honest way. You are such a great example! I have been thinking lately about how the world takes Christ out of Christmas and how it becomes about shopping and Santa and presents. We went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and the whole show was about Santa and elves and shopping and presents and lights and magic and blah blah blah. I kept thinking "Where is Christ? Isn't he the point of all this??!" At the very end they had a Nativity Scene, which was good. But I kept comparing the whole show to how in Utah we go up to Salt Lake to see Savior of the World during Christmastime, and that is really what it's all about. I loved the thoughts you shared and agree completely!

  2. Thanks Ang! Haha I love it when you comment on my blog. It's sorta the highlight of my day. :p Are you guys gonna be in Utah at all during the Holidays?
