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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Today I feel a little bigger...

Oh no no, my pants still fit just fine.
I mean maturity wise.

So Ryan that I was sort of dating I think sat down with me and talked out a few things. Long story short... we're now "just friends" because he likes cute, blond Becca more than me. And so I cried for about two seconds... and then I felt fine. Did you know that's sort of a big deal for me? Because it is. I think I finally learned the lesson of "Trust God because it really is true that He knows best because, honey, he's holding the map. So hand him the keys, because it's easier." So, I'm conpuzzled beyond all reason (on several accounts) but I'm happy and smiling and laughing. Yeah. I know. How dare I? It's quite insane for me to think I can be un-dramatic. I mean really. Check my track record! I'm just sayin, this time is different for one reason or another.
Also, this time I don't feel the need to rebound so that I have another someone really soon. I'm fine all by my little self. (Ya know the song Miss Independent by Kelly Clarckson? I think it's beginning to become my theme song. ;p)

The other evening I spent (brace yourselves) FOUR HOURS in the library doing homework. All by myself. No cute boys lured me there, no ulterior motives... just me, John Schmidt, and my homework. No facebook, or texting... it was NUTS! I'm pretty sure I've never done four hours of homework before in my entire life. Sad? Eh, maybe. But I did it! And I still have MORE. Oh College, why are you so full of homework?

So now today, while everyone is going home or being an ambassador or talking to hobo's in Salt Lake (hehe, Karlee) I'm going to clean up my stuff... and do some more homework. And enjoy feeling like I live alone. Sometimes that's rather fun, and a much needed break. I think I'd make a great hermit. Maybe someday we'll find out for sure. ;) Haha, on to showering and home of the work! (emphasis on work. :( Haha, wish me luck, because I'm REALLY going to need it to stay motivated today.)

Love you all! Have a marvelous day!!! Scratch that. Have a marvelous WHOLE WEEKEND!

I think I lied about the pants. I need a belt. :(


  1. Oh Shannon, you are growing up - four hours of homework!!! And no drama, and looking forward to solitude!!! I love it that you're willing to share - and I love you. Have a lovely day. You're terrific!

  2. I love that we both have maturity blogs within the same week...I must have inspire it ;D hahah jk jk...and Yes homeless people=near death experience. Just saying.LOVE YOU!
