Um. So it sorta kinda snowed at Snow last night. And all day yesterday. Isn't that marvelous?? I pretty much turned into a crazy giddy little child for the evening. Tanner and I built a snow man/ snow frog on Ryan's car, and we watched a scary movie eating awesomely buttery popcorn and freaking out a little bit. (P.S, the popcorn came from an eventful Walmart trip with Tanner and Ryan in which I rode squished down in the shopping cart holding everything they were buying in my lap. Did you know it's rather quite hilarious to see the looks on people's faces when they see that sort of sight? I truly apologize that I didn't have my camera to take pictures of all the festivities, but it was pretty spur of the moment stuff. I had planned on going straight to the library. I'm thinking that I love Tanner and Ryan to death but they're seriously distracting me from library madness. On the other hand Ryan and I have a homework date tonight :D haha sounds like a blast, eh?)
After the movie we went back to my apartment and had some homemade spicy tomato soup (thanks mom!) with grilled cheese on homemade bread. (Once again, Thanks mom! Also thanks to George, Karlee's studly grill :P)
And I slept in front of the sliding glass door on the love sac, watching snow.
Did I mention that snow is like happy holiday spirit falling from the sky? Because it is. It's quite phenomenal really. I adore it with everything inside of me.
For now.
Give it a couple of weeks and I'll probably be ready for warm weather. Just call me Charlie Brown, me and my wishy washy thinking.
Also, here are some pictures. I'm so excited for decorating our apartment for the Holidays. We took down our festive Halloween stuff and it seems so bare. We took down the sticky note quote wall, and the apartment is clean and Sami cleared out her cacti. I love Sam, I don't especially love all thirteen pots of cacti. So: My point is, here are some random pictures. And some roommate pictures too, just because they're lots of fun. I finally found my battery charger and so I could take pictures again! I feel so completed with camera in hand. :p
Aaaanywho. Now that I've rambled forever and sounded dumb, I'll go. Have a super duper happy Thursday! (Tomorrow is Friday hallelujah, praise the heavens!)
Isn't it beautiful? I can't even believe it.
Hehe, see that gigantor snowball?? Yeah, that was behind a car last night so that the guy who owned said car discovered that beauty of a snowball early the next morning before class. Needless to say, I'm pretty sure he was not amused. In the least.
(That doesn't mean we didn't giggle hysterically about it though!
.... No, we weren't the snowball makers. I wish! Best idea!)
The marvelously empty (almost) space that used to be full of cactus plants. (Sigh) Oh happy day. :) Haha
Hahahahaha. Oh our white board.
Yeah, we so totally already have a countdown up, compliments of Sam.
Now I'm stuck here in purgatory, er I mean the library study place. With all my punishment of the name of homework. So. I should probably just post this baby and get to all the serious stuff.
P.S (giggle) I just noticed that the note about our new garbage can- yay!- is on the white board picture. Judge if you must, it's a rather big deal for us. :p
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