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Monday, November 01, 2010

Well. Hallow's Eve is finished.

AND I'M ALREADY EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS! What in the world is wrong with me. You'd think Christmas was joyful and triumphant or something at the rate I'm goin.

Saturday I went to Provo with Ryan (who is also cute. Like Cute Tyler and Cute Mike... Cute everybody.) to go winter coat/shoe shopping. Pretty much spur of the moment, but SO much fun! On the drive up we had a singing in the car episode... we should go pro on those Disney songs haha. Once we hit Provo he called his sister in law to see if she knew any good places to look for cute, cheap, warm coats. She was in Vegas though and didn't answer... which is OK because when she got back to him we'd already checked everywhere she had to suggest. Which means we pretty much can hold our own, right? :p

The mall was PACKED with a combination of hilariously cute, and hideously disturbing costumes. There were so many little kids! Seriously, minus all the freak shows, that was the best time to be at the mall! A couple bajillion little iron men, tons of princesses, some Alice in Wonderland characters, and a family dressed up as UP!! The dad was the grumpy old man (complete with a little house tied to balloons), the mom was Kevin the bird, and the little boy was... well, the little boy. :) And since I didn't take my camera (terribly shameful of me, I know.) I'm stealing some cute/funny pictures just to illustrate the fun of being at the mall:

Hahahahahaha I'd like to point out that I didn't actually witness and Napoleon Dynamites or Pedro's. Which is a shame considering that's quite hilarious. Also, isn't that chubby snowman possibly the cutest snowbaby you've ever in your whole entire life ever seen?? Yeah. Thought so.

After going to far too many stores and finding (brace yourself) the most comfy warm fuzzy inside nice white cute adorable coat for ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS, and a warm brownish jacket for 25ish (discount for giving my loudest bestest Halloween scream. No joke. I screamed in a store. And they knocked off some mula. Nice? I think yes.) and some warmish boots, plus two pairs of shoes for Ryan, we went to his abode in South Jordan so he could pick up some stuff to take back. He has a cute house, and his mother has a genius color scheme. Yeah, there's lots of purple and green and red... and it's marvelous. She has a purple wall. Not to mention she's really sweet and cute. His parents decided to take us to dinner before we left so we went to an Italian place that starts with a C, but whose name I can't remember, and his oldest brother met us there to eat with us. It was so delicious! They had fresh bread set out to dip in this olive oil and garlic, and it was seriously heaven. ("Aaaaahhh!!!" As in angelic singing "Ah" not like the holy crap the world's ending and I'm gonna cry "Ah". Just translating.) Delicious food and hugs later, we hit the road, Jack, who is much nicer than the road, Fred. It was fun to visit and drive and shop and stuff.

Last night we watched "Emma Smith, My story", which is still one of my all time favorite movies ever. She is my hero. Still. :) Ryan's roommates are fun, Brad brought out some church movies his dad has made, which I have to admit were slightly cheesy, as any good Mormon Movie is. :p Have you ever seen

? Because that's what we watched next. He's a funny guy, but it really was touching. Hooray for the gospel, and for converts!
Hooray for cute cousin missionaries!
Hooray for good friends and guys who love the church as much as I do!
Hooray for college,
and Hooray for life!

I get to go home to Cedar for the day! I'm so so excited! Family, here I come! :D

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