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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

16 days left! (Can you believe that?)

I think I sorta want to pause time, or rewind or slow it down... something to keep Christmas a little longer!

Today I'm grateful for knowing I have a best friend no matter what. I just want you all to know that it's true that we're never ever alone. I love that fact. :) Don't you?

Click here to see what I'm saying. :)

My roommates and I have hung out a little more than we have recently and I love it! I love having friends that I live with. Sami, Tori, Lisha and I went to Spring City the other night for Snow Creams (which are basically snow cones on steroids of ice cream and 1,000 badrillion flavors with creme on top. Over rated? Probably, but it's still fun once in a while.) The Snow Cream place is in someone's house, and it's so cute and sorta old fashioned looking... I got Red Velvet cake flavor with Hazlenut icecream. It was seriously soooo yummy! I wish I had taken my camera because it was rather quite epic. :) Tori stole my phone because she thought I took hers. (I didn't know I was sitting on it! Cross my heart!) She texted Tyler something about how my love for him runs like albino zebras and his curly hair makes me think of a wild man and I love his chiseled body. Haha, well I couldn't just sit there, right? I had to retaliate. Immediately. So I texted Blaine and Kyler. Kyler's just said that she thought his truck was incredibly sexy. Blaines, now that was true poetic genius. ;) "I have to confess my undying adoration for your facial hair. It reminds me of a wild mountain goat frolicking in the spring time! And when you tried to shove me out of the moving car, it was like an explosion of butterflies!" Hehe. Yeah. Needless to say it was interesting to try and explain those messages away. :p

I was going to post some pictures, but I'm getting ready for a dinner date with Tyler so those will have to wait until tomorrow. :) Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I am dying over those funny text messages! Hahaha! You guys are hilarious.
