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Monday, December 06, 2010

18 days!! :D

Today marks the 18th day before Christmas! Can you even believe how fast time is flying? I've enjoyed being away from home and getting to decorate and feel like this is me starting my own Christmas traditions, but our apartment has MUCH less Christmas music than I'd like... and I'll admit I miss home. (And you too Dad. Happy? ;) He always asks if I miss him. Which, of course, I always do!)

Yesterday after Relief Society, Brother Rawley approached me in the hall. Not just the 'Hi member of my ward, how are you doing?' kind of an approach, but a serious, man on a mission sort of approach. That's when I knew. And wanna know what I did? I smiled. Yup, I've been praying for the opportunity to speak in church and what better time to be called to than Christmas time? :D I get to speak on Luke chapter 2, the birth of Christ. It's insane how much more I've caught this time than every other time I've read or heard that chapter. For example, the thing I'm thankful for on the 18th day before Christmas is one of my realizations. It never really registered what "The Virgin Mary" implied. I'm thankful for her example to women in the world today.

Can you even imagine how incredible she must have been? She was completely pure, and so young! She must have been very mature and high in her spiritual understanding to be trusted with the Christ child. She also must have been prepared and humble, and so nurturing. Mary had to be the first teacher for Christ, but so was Joseph. To me that says she was the kind of woman who sought her equal in a husband because she must have had respect for herself. She must have known exactly who she was, a daughter of God with a purpose. That's so beautiful to me! I look forward to the day that I can meet Mary among so many others I admire from the scriptures. Won't that be so neat? :D I can't wait. (Sorta. I still have lots of life to live, considering the fact I'm not even halfway through my first bucket list and I've already started writing a second. :p)

But I want to wrap everything up with this song. It's one of my favorites. One out of about a bajillion since they're all my favorite. :p

"Breath Of Heaven"


  1. I'm glad you miss me! Also Mary is amazing! she is also one of the people i really look up to in the scriptures!
    Love Ya!

  2. Hehe Daddy I'm so excited that you've figured out this posting business! :p This is sort of fun! :D Love you!

  3. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Shannon, you are so inspiring! These were such neat thoughts about Mary. Thanks for getting me in the true spirit of Christmas. You have your heart in the right place this season and I love that you share your strong testimony on your blog. It always strengthens mine!
