This would be the culprit of the dying job. Tyler Berry said he'd do my hair since we couldn't make it home (we being me and Sami) to have my cousin Aubree do our hairs, and so I told him he should dye it. And there you have it folks!
As you can tell, he's quite a stylist. I especially appreciated the dye on my face. The sideburns were my favorite. (In fact, I loved it so much that I had a dream he got dye alllll over my face and neck and all my little face hairs were VERY black. Oh, shoot. Did I call that a dream? I meant nightmare. :p It was kinda silly though. I giggled profusely when I finally woke up today.)
And here is the grand, yellow-tinted, jaundice version of the final product. :p (My camera is going even more down hill I think maybe. Or maybe every single lightbulb in my apartment is. Either way...)
Tyler with cute bingo winner lady. "I was born to win! That's why I'm here!" (We got quite a kick out of sitting next to her. :p)
Eunice, and the cute lady who kept looking over and me and Tyler and grinning. I seriously love volunteering there so much! It's so amazing.
Cute Mary who told me at least seven times about how she grew up in a tiny town that had only ninety-something people in it, how she worked for Hallmark cards for a while before she got married to the "Cute sailor boy" who gave her a ring at Thanksgiving but she wouldn't let him put it on her finger and she thought, "Oh, I'll never see him again." But he came back at Christmas with the ring again and she wouldn't let him put it on her finger then either, she felt like they should know each other better... and so then the third time he gave her a ring she thought she'd better take it before she never saw him again. :p I loved hearing her stories. Every time she told them. :p
This is another of Eunice, concentrating super hard on her bingo game. It was so cute. This place and being able to come in and be around these people who've lived so much life has truly been a blessing for me. It's a stress reliever, and a huge pick me up for me. It's a little sad because a lot of them are losing their memory and don't even know if they live there or not. (AKA Eunice. She's asked us that a few times.) And a lot of them don't see their family very often. Some of them are ornery little old people, and some of them are sooo full of energy. (Like the 'Chugalug' woman who dances around giggling and singing "Chugalug chugalug" pretty much constantly. She's a hoot!)
And cute Don's conversation with me last night didn't hurt much either. :p
"Are ya married?"
(me)- "Nope."
"Well why not?"
"Boy's are nothing but trouble Don!"
"What's the matter with them?"
"Well... they're silly?"
"Hasn't anyone asked you?"
"Nope, no one's asked me to marry them."
"They should! You're the leader of the pack of pretty girls!"
(Insert my giggle here. Funny old men make me happy.) "Thanks Don. You're pretty handsome yourself."
Haha, and thats when he gets all blushy, embarrassed and shuffles off to bed.
I love it!
This is exhibit A of our 'homework break/ stress relief' program. To participate you need a source of heat, some forks or sticks or skewers, and little people shaped marshmallows...
Then you hold them just so until....
Bwahahahaha. Yes. We are in fact sick and or twisted on occasion. But you roast little people shaped marshmallows and see if you can not giggle at least a tiny bit. We didn't even want to eat them but we roasted a bunch just cuz it was fun. :p
And this, my fellow Americans, is the end product. Sorta. It's toned down a bit, because the charred ones were probably beyond G ratings so we shot for the PG one.
This empty pink lemonade jug is why we're going to be filthy stinkin rich someday. Because if you'll notice the scribblings on it, it's not just any pink lemonade jug, it's a signed one. By Johnnie our giant man friend who came over for the 'dinner party' last night. He's quite entertaining, and he told us someday he'll be a famous basketball player so. Ya know. We'll hang on to this and sell it on ebay or something.
Me and Sami were the only two home today, so we got crafty and made initial stockings for everyone. (Only $2 each at Walmart! And by that I mean one for the stocking and one for the letter. Hence two dollars per roommate.)
We used super glue to get the letters on... and my hands sort of wouldn't let go of some stocking. And a lot of glitter. I'm still sparkly. So much so, that if I were a man females everywhere would scream, "Edward!!!!" and all but attack me to death. In the positive fan sort of way.
Look how cute! (When I told my mom about it on the phone tonight she sounded concerned and asked if I actually super glued them to the wall. Apparently dying my hair did nothing to change my blonde rep.)
And here's the blurry picture of our icing lights on our balcony. I took like a million but they all turned out pretty much just like this one. So pretend it's a good picture. Poor Hamilton the camera is getting sickly or something.
Well... that just about covers it! We rented How to Train your Dragon, and I'm ridiculously excited to see that! I'll let you know how it goes, but based on everything I've heard about it I'm probably going to post with a severe case of exclamationitis and a 'hankerin' to own a dragon. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Anywho. I'm off to go... figure out something productive to do.
(P.S, 20 days left! Today I'm thankful for the chance I get to serve others. I'm grateful for the example that my Saviour left me, as well as so many other people around me- my mom especially. She's such a good woman. :D I love her!)
Ahh! The old people! So cute! I love that you do that. i also love your hair.