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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brace yourself, this is a slightly whiny/complaint post.

Ah the life of a senior in high school. Ah the lovely stress of stupid classes that we procrastinate. Ah the people who think you’re invisible. Ah the few who do care. And ah the sick twisted guys who haven’t grown up yet that always seem to be in earshot.

Foods 1, a class I took mainly just because I really didn’t want to be the wimpy girl in a morning weights class, apparently has a state competency test, but since I switched into it from Orchestra after the first quarter, I only know about half of the information. Stressful? Just a bit. I have lots of studying to do, and its supposed to be an easy test but is any test easy if you know nothing of the subject?

Seminary. Oh, seminary. I think I get more grief from that class than any other. It’s a rather interesting experience. We rarely ever get to the lesson until at LEAST half an hour of class has been wasted on Christmas crosswords or telling in depth tagging for dance stories or just wasting time in general. And everyone teases everyone constantly and poor Mr. Brother seminary teacher just stands there looking helpless because he’s possibly the nicest person I know and doesn’t know how to be mean enough to inflict punishment among the chaotic.

Government. Take a deep breath and brace yourself. She wants us to actually write bills. Really? Us? The crazy high school students that she always complains about? She wants us, the out of control kids, to write bills and deliver serious speeches. Whatever happened to the simple: memorize this, regurgitate that. I think that would’ve been slightly easier. I have no idea what to research or how to write the bill or what to say in my speech.

Next hour is French, and it’s almost the equivalent of seminary where getting anything done is concerned.

Ah, the life of a senior.

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