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Friday, February 26, 2010


Just so you all know- I hate sneezing.
And that's sort of one of the side affects of being sick. Pretty sure that's why I'm getting stupider. I'm just sneezing my brains out one bit at a time. Lovely isn't it? :p
So I had to go to work yesterday- which isn't on the top, or even the middle of the list of things I enjoy doing so I decided to do an experiment. I decided to try being annoyingly positive- and it worked. I was positive that it was annoying :p But it also worked in the sense that I realized about a million and five things I'm genuinely grateful for even when I feel like the world should just all end right this instant. Like how grateful I am for both my immediate and extended family. They're all so incredible and amazing examples- especially when it comes to examples of fairytale/ideal marriages. (I'm stuck on marriage right now, I'm sorry. Blame Adult Roles ;P) I'm also realizing how grateful I am for living where I do and the Lord's hand in EVERYTHING. I'm grateful for little kids :) and how innocent and beautiful they are. It's like you can feel heaven shining through them. I'm grateful for the gospel and realizing the relationship between us and Heavenly Father. Sometimes life seems so impossible and I think of how hopeless and lost I'd feel if I didn't know about the gospel and heaven and the plan of happiness and all that. So yeah. :) I just wanted to ramble my optimism thoughts of yesterday :p Have a lovely FRIDAY!!!!! (Finally!)
...... Wait. It is Friday right?

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post! I love all your positive thoughts you shared. And how you chose to be happy about work, that's hard to do but it works! Thanks for your good example.

    And is it weird that I LOVE sneezing? :) Its true.
