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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good morning Starshines... Shannon says, "Hello"

Hello. :)

Still sneezing, just in case you wondered. Haha I don't think I've ever sneezed so much in my entire life!! So Angie, I bequeath every last one of my sneezes to you. Enjoy.
On the bright side I almost could breathe this morning. And then that good news faded away :p Sad isn't it?
Last night I came home from visiting various people (P.S. Congrats to Piute Boy's Basketball for taking region! I knew we rocked. :p) to my cousin's robot baby thing sitting on my bed- STARING at me and (brace yourself) BREATHING!! Dolls were not meant to breathe, trust me. It's a little unnerving. So I grabbed my pj's and skidattled out of there!
And then this morning my dad and grandpa and uncle needed some calf stuff random madness so my mom decided I looked the most decent out of the two of us (I disagreed) and sent me to Cal Ranch... so I had to ask like five people for "O No More" which to me just sounds super dramatic like, "I'm looking for a miracle so that Oh no more will the adoptive mother cow smell the calf and they will bond in olfactory silence..." Yeah. Dramatic. Just thought I'd let you all know that running into a french teacher and going on a wild goose chase to find dramatic calf de-perfumeation is quite a nice start for a saturday. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the sneezes. I am truly touched. ;)

    I love your life. It makes me giggle at times and smile at others.
