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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let the battle of the sexes begin!!

This week is (wanna take a stab at it? Yup, you've got it:) Battle of the Sexes! (woo woo!)
Monday was support your tribe day. Which I forgot about- but I happened to be wearing a Snow College shirt since I didn't get ready so it counts right?
Tuesday was tacky day- so I thought I'd rebel and wear something nice so I'd look extra cute in comparison to the wild and crazy ensembles the rest of the student body was wearing :p
And today (which p.s it's snowing and I'm still grumbling in my beard about it) is stoplight day. Red=taken, Yellow=it's complicated and Green=SINGLE BABY!! :p And you wanna know why they came up with this stoplight day?? It's because the student government knows how to be sneaking plotting hawks!! This is the perfect opportunity for people to scream to the world "I'M AVAILABLE! JUST ASK ME ON A DATE ALREADY!!!" Or, for the less fortunate, to say "Look bud, I'm taken. Back off before my girlfriend mangles me." And last, but not least, for those lovely yellow shirts to say "I'm in like with you- yeah you in the green. So thanks for nothing. However, to everyone who isn't the loser in the green that made me wear yellow- I'm not in red so feel free to flirt in good faith!" Hahaha I love it! Bwahaha! This whole battling the opposite gender (and totally winning of course) is giving me this high. Like sugar high- minus the starbursts.
Also for the assembly my friend and I were recruited to be in a skit. Which was, as is to be expected, a grandly fun man hater/vengeance is mine skit. :) Basically all us girls wander onto the floor screaming something or other about hating boys or 'I'm gonna kill him!!' or 'He called me FAT' etc... then a poor innocent boy minding his own business tells his boy... erm... girlfriend he can't take her to the movies anymore (the girl was a boy dressed up. Haha, just so that didn't sound awkward or anything.) and s/he storms off angrily as the boy mutters that she's just jealous... then "Hey ladies, you're lookin good in green today." -silence- "GET HIM!!!!!!!!" It ends with him in a trash can, us with pitchforks and a mannequin head in hand screaming our victory. :) Doesn't that sound lovely? It's a grand way to release tension. Fake a murder. Ahaha, I love it.

Face it America. Girls rule- boys drool. (Over us girls of course. See? It's logical, it makes sense- I rest my case.;p)

GO GREEN BABY! (It holds a whole new meaning now. :D )

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I think it is so funny that your school is actually doing this!! Hahaha! The color-coded dressing up thing is killing me. Seems kind of awkward to me. I am curious if there were a lot of yellows. I think that's the boldest color to wear... since it makes you seem so... mysteriously undefined... and kind of confuses everyone. hahaha.
